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10月21日,APEC 第九次领导人非正式会议在上海圆满结束。会议通过了四个文件——《APEC 领导人宣言:迎接新世纪的新挑战》、《上海共识》、《数字APEC 战略》和《反恐声明》。今年年初以来,我参加了在中国举行的几个 APEC 会议,深感2001年 APEC 取得的成果来之不易。面对严峻挑战,表达坚定信心迈进21世纪,形势变化不如人意:经济全球化遭遇反对,WTO 新一论谈判迟迟不能启动;新经济遇到障碍,全球经济增长减速;冷战结束没能带来“和平红利”,贫富差距进一步拉大;人类安全面临国际恐怖主义威胁,发生了9.11事件,由此产生的恐惧和忧虑弥漫开来。最令人不安的是不断恶化的世界经济形势。9.11对世界经济影响有多大,现在还说不清楚。据最乐观估计,世界经济也要到2003年才能回到增长轨道。面对严峻挑战,在上海会议召开前夕,人们关注APEC 领导人非正式会议能否如期举行;当中国作为会议东道主宣布会议将如期举行之后,人们又关注会议能否取得成果。APEC 领导人不负众望,上海会议取得了令人满意的成果。 On October 21, the ninth APEC informal leadership meeting ended successfully in Shanghai. The conference passed four documents - “APEC Leaders Declaration: Meeting the New Challenges of the New Century,” “Shanghai Consensus,” “Digital APEC Strategy,” and “Anti-Terrorism Statement.” Since the beginning of this year, I attended several APEC meetings in China and deeply felt that the results achieved by APEC in 2001 have not come by easily. Faced with the harsh challenges and expressed firm confidence in the 21st century, the situation is not changing satisfactorily: the economic globalization has encountered opposition, the WTO’s new one theory has been delayed in its negotiation, the new economy has encountered obstacles and the global economic growth has slowed down, and the end of the cold war has not brought The “peace dividend” has widened the gap between the rich and the poor. The human security faces the threat of international terrorism and the 9.11 incident has taken place. The resulting fears and worries are pervasive. The most disturbing is the deteriorating world economic situation. What impact the Sept. 11 has on the world economy is still unclear. According to the most optimistic assessment, the world economy will not return to growth until 2003. On the eve of the Shanghai Conference, people are concerned about whether the APEC leaders’ informal meetings can be held as scheduled. When China, as the host of the conference, announced that the conference will be held as scheduled, people are still concerned about the success of the conference. The leaders of APEC met the expectations of all and the Shanghai meeting has achieved satisfactory results.
“开放”是本轮课改的重要基因和鲜明旗帜。语文学科中,课程的构建理念、教法和学法的指导等,都要求由过去的封闭单一走向开放多样。开放的成就是可喜的,但不可忽视的是,对于“开放”这一理念不正确的认识和操作,也出现了众多堪忧的情况。  一、语文教学的开放失其“形”与“实”  语文在开放中被虚化。由于对开放内涵的不正确理解,使得语文教学的内容被泛化了,在语文这块田地上好像什么都能种,人文、文化、科普、道德教
地方旅游业的发展带动地方经济文化的繁荣,贵州铜仁抢抓机遇,打造旅游品牌,把旅游业作为一经济发展的大支柱产业来抓,借此促进和拉动其他各行业的发展。 The development of
Because of the effect of unbalance excitation and nonlinear magnetic force,the large vibration of the rotor supported by active magnetic bearing(AMB) will go be