A Historical Perspective on Development of Systems Engineering Discipline: A Review and Analysis

来源 :系统科学与系统工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ching19846
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Since its inception,Systems Engineering (SE) has developed as a distinctive discipline,and there has been significant progress in this field in the past two decades.Compared to other engineering disciplines,SE is not affirmed by a set of underlying fundamental propositions,instead it has emerged as a set of best practices to deal with intricacies stemming from the stochastic nature of engineering complex systems and addressing their problems.Since the existing methodologies and paradigms (dominant patts of thought and concepts) of SE are very diverse and somewhat fragmented.This appears to create some confusion regarding the design,deployment,operation,and application of SE.The purpose of this paper is 1) to delineate the development of SE from 1926-2017 based on insights derived from a histogram analysis,2) to discuss the different paradigms and school of thoughts related to SE,3) to derive a set of fundamental attributes of SE using advanced coding techniques and analysis,and 4) to present a newly developed instrument that could assess the performance of systems engineers.More than Two hundred and fifty different sources have been reviewed in this research in order to demonstrate the development trajectory of the SE discipline based on the frequency of publication.
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