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1988年年初。举世震惊的铁路行车重大恶性事故接连发生,悲剧迭起,舆论大哗,部长辞职…… 无独有偶。时隔半年,在全国十万里铁路线上再起风波:犯罪分子飞车越货、跟车扒窃、持刀抢劫、走私贩私、流氓滋扰,并自称铁路“飞虎队”。 北京。中南海。 一份份受害群众来信、惰况反映接二连三地转送到党中央和国务院主要领导同志的办公桌上。 中南海决定:继续坚持依法从重从快打击严重犯罪分子的方针,集中打击严重危害社会、危害改革开放和经济建设的犯罪活动。铁道部、公安部联合出击,一场大规模围剿“飞虎队”、整顿铁路治安的战役,在全国168个重点区段的铁路干线上同时展开。 今年元月中旬,本刊记者经特许随铁道部、公安部治安联合检查组追踪采访,写出这份纪实性的报告。 Early 1988 Shocked by the world’s major railway traffic accidents have occurred one after another, the tragedy one after another, the public outcry, the minister resign ... ... Coincidentally. After a lapse of six months, the storm struck the country’s 100,000-mile rail line. Criminals flew over cargo, car pickpocketing, armed robberies, smuggling, rogue hijackers and claiming to be the “Flying Tigers” of the railway. Beijing. Zhongnanhai. A copy of the letters sent to the victims showed that the cessation of their refusal was sent one after another to the desks of the Party Central Committee and the leading leaders of the State Council. Zhongnanhai decided that it should continue to adhere to its principle of focusing on cracking down serious criminals according to law and focus its efforts on cracking down criminal activities that seriously endanger the society and endanger the reform, opening up and economic construction. The Ministry of Railways and the Ministry of Public Security jointly attacked a large-scale campaign to smash the “Flying Tigers” and rectify the peace and security in the railway. The campaign was launched simultaneously on 168 major railway lines across the country. In mid-January of this year, our correspondent was licensed to follow the interview with the Joint Inspection Unit of the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Public Security to write this documentary report.
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