Geochronology of a surface core in the northern basin of Lake Qinghai: Evidence from ~(210)Pb and ~(

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fgh000000
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The radioactivities of ~(210)Pb and ~(137)Cs have been measured to estimate the dates of the sediments of a surface core (QH0407-C-2) in the northern basin of Lake Qinghai. The sedimentation rate derived from ~(210)Pb radioactivity correlates well with that inferred from (137)Cs radioactivity. The dates calculated from depth sedimentation rate (cm/a) are similar to those derived from mass accumulation rate (g·cm-2·a-1) between 0-5 cm, but are significantly different below 5 cm, which has been ascribed to the compaction of surface sediments during early diagenesis. The dates derived from mass accumulation rate are consistent with those calculated from the AMS 14C dating model. The precipitation-controlled indices based on the chronology data derived from mass accumulation rate are similar in trends to the precipitation reconstructed from tree rings in adjacent region, which further verifies the reliability of the geochronology data. The radioactivities of ~ (210) Pb and ~ (137) Cs have been measured to estimate the dates of the sediments of a surface core (QH0407-C-2) in the northern basin of Lake Qinghai. The sedimentation rate derived from ~ ( 210) Pb radioactivity correlates well with that inferred from (137) Cs radioactivity. The dates calculated from depth sedimentation rate (cm / a) are similar to those derived from mass accumulation rate (g · cm -2 · a -1) between 0 -5 cm, but are significantly different below 5 cm, which has been ascribed to the compaction of surface sediments during early diagenesis. The dates derived from mass accumulation rates are consistent with those calculated from the AMS 14C dating model. The precipitation-controlled indices based on the chronology data derived from mass accumulation rate are similar in trends to the precipitation reconstructed from tree rings in adjacent region, which further verifies the reliability of the geochronology data.
2001年2月,陕西省旬阳县尖山乡发现了一部以范仲淹家族为主线的范氏家谱及范仲淹塑像。这是继辽宁省灯塔市柳合子镇发现手写本《由宋入清范氏家乘》之后的又一重大发现。此谱为高平堂《范氏大成宗谱》,木刻活字印刷,现存八卷300余页,较辽宁发现的手写谱体例更为完备,史料更为翔实。这些史料对于我们今天研究我国人口迁移史、古代宗族制度、民俗学等方面的课题,都有着十分重要的价值。  本文谨以高平堂《范氏大成宗谱