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课堂练习在小学数学教学中,占有特殊重要的地位.教师设计科学、新颖、精粹的习题,不仅能使学生深入理解与牢固掌握数学中的基础知识和基本技能,而且还能开发学生智力,培养他们的各种能力.同时,这也是改革教学方法,激发学习兴趣,减轻学生负担.提高教学效益的重要手段.因此,本刊从这期开始,设置《课堂练习设计选优》专栏,为广大小学数学教师、教研员以及所有关心小学数学教学的读者、作者提供一个研讨课堂练习内容、形式、难度、坡度、数量、质量、时间、空间等具体问题的园地.希望大家本着改革的精神,认真参加讨论,以充分发挥习题的“教学、教育、发展、反馈”作用,为提高小学数学教学质量作出贡献.这个专栏一般不预约稿件.凡内容精粹、形式新颖、设计科学、难易适度,能体现先进的教育思想,能解决教学中的实际问题,能攻破现行教材中的教学难点,能为广大师生(特别是广大农村师生)所欢迎的练习.本栏将择优录用.来稿请按教学进度提前3~4个月投寄我刊.四个月内未被采用的稿件,作者可自行处理. Classroom exercises occupy a particularly important position in elementary mathematics teaching.Teachers designing science, novel and precise exercises not only enable students to understand and firmly grasp the basic knowledge and basic skills in mathematics, but also develop students' intelligence and train At the same time, this is the reform of teaching methods to stimulate interest in learning, reduce the burden on students and improve teaching effectiveness of an important means.Therefore, this issue from the beginning, set the “classroom practice design optimization” column for the general Primary school mathematics teachers, teaching and research staff, and all readers interested in primary school mathematics teaching, the author provides a forum for discussing concrete problems such as content, form, difficulty, slope, quantity, quality, time and space in the classroom.I hope that in the spirit of reform, Seriously participate in the discussion, in order to give full play to the role of exercises “teaching, education, development, feedback ”, in order to improve the quality of primary school mathematics teaching contribute.This column generally does not make a reservation manuscript.Where content is refined, novelty, design science, difficult Moderate, can reflect the advanced educational thinking, can solve the practical problems in teaching, can break the current teaching material Of teaching difficult for the majority of teachers and students (especially the vast majority of rural teachers and students) welcomed the practice of this column will be hired merit submission please press the teaching schedule 3 to 4 months in advance posted my magazine was not within four months Manuscripts used, the authors can handle their own.
本文简要介绍双缸预应力千斤顶的结构,技术性能,试验及其结果以及张拉力校验。 This paper briefly introduces the structure, technical performance, test and results o
当前,农村小学,特别是山区小学,学生很少读课外书籍.涉猎的知识甚少,所见的范文有限。要提高语文教学质量,增强学生的写作能力,应重视课外阅读.开阔学生的视野,丰富他们的知识。 At p
作文题:微澜,春水吹皱,映照彩虹,奏响流水欢歌;微澜,尺水兴波,积蓄波折,酿成逆水坎坷。微澜,风行水上;微澜,荡漾心中。 Essay questions: micro-Lan, spring water blowing
怎样提高小学生的作文质量呢?这里面有许多心理学的问题值得探讨: (一)教师在教学生识字时,由于对字的读音不准、字形混淆、没有正确地理解字义,学生作文时往往就不能够正确
本文详细介绍了μP—E微处理机肌电信号实时处理装置的工作原理,它与国产JD—Ⅱ型肌电图机配合使用,大大扩展了原机的功能。 This article describes in detail μP-E micro