
来源 :公安研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:selena2009
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学科建设包括学科方向建设、科研氛围建设、师资队伍建设、学位点建设等。一般院校都比较重视学科建设,而公安院校在这方面存在的问题较多,主要是学科建设意识不强,基础条件欠缺,操作上具有盲目性。加强这方面的工作,必须采取提高认识、搞好规划、坚持正确的原则,把握住几个重要环节等有效的对策,否则很难取得成效。 Discipline construction includes discipline construction, construction of scientific research atmosphere, construction of teaching staff, construction of academic sites and so on. Most colleges and universities place more emphasis on disciplinary construction, while public security colleges and universities have more problems in this respect, mainly due to their lack of awareness of discipline construction, lack of basic conditions and their blind operation. To step up our work in this respect, we must take effective measures such as raising our awareness, doing a good job of planning, adhering to the correct principle, and grasping several important links, or we will find it hard to be effective.
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