九江绝唱说庐山 庐山地质拍摄散记

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庐山是首批世界地质公园、中国5A级景区、全球第一个获得世界文化和自然遗产以及世界地质公园三项最高荣誉的旅游胜地。庐山地处江西省北部鄱阳湖盆地,庐山区境内,滨临鄱阳湖畔,雄峙长江南岸,“三山五岳”中“三山”之一。山体呈椭圆形,典型的地垒式长段块山,大约25公里,宽约10公里,绵延的90余座山峰,犹如屏风屏蔽着江西的北大门。以雄、奇、险、秀闻名于世,素有“匡庐奇秀甲天下”之美誉。 Lushan is the first batch of World Geological Park, China’s 5A-level scenic spots, the world’s first access to the world’s cultural and natural heritage and the three highest honors Geopark tourist destination. Mount Lushan is located in the Poyang Lake Basin in the northern part of Jiangxi Province, in the territory of Lushan Mountain, near the Poyang Lake, and on the south bank of the Yangtze River in Xiongzhi. It is one of the “Three Mountains” in the “Three Mountains and Five Sacred Mountains”. The mountain is oval, the typical basement of the long section of the block, about 25 km, 10 km wide, stretches of more than 90 peaks, like a screen shielding the north gate of Jiangxi. To male, odd, dangerous, show known in the world, known as “Marina Lu Qi Sau Jia Tian ” reputation.
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