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以泌尿系感染为主要临床表现的患者占泌尿科门诊病人的多数。目前,泌尿系结核、性病已普遍得到重视,但有些仅满足于“泌感”或“尿道综合症”的患者,作者发现很多是其它特异感染和泌尿系器质性病变所致。现举例说明: 例1 男,48岁反复发作尿频、尿痛半年余,经数家医院以“泌感”一般性治疗时有反复,寻问病史,发现其妻同时患有滴虫性阴道炎。逐对他们行灭滴灵治疗一月后,男患治愈。例2 女,28岁,反复发作尿频、尿急、尿痛5月,曾以“泌感”服PPA、SMZ等无显效,入院后述及白带多且有异味,经妇科会诊,诊断为滴虫性阴道 Urinary tract infections are the major clinical manifestation of the majority of patients in urology clinic. At present, urinary tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases are generally valued. However, some patients who are satisfied only with “feeling” or “urethral syndrome” are found to be caused by other specific infections and organic diseases of the urinary tract. Now an example: Example 1 male, 48-year-old recurrent urinary frequency, dysuria more than six months, after several hospitals to “secretory” general treatment of repeated, to seek medical history and found that his wife also suffered from trichomonas vaginitis . By their treatment of metronidazole tablets one month after treatment, male patients cured. 2 cases of female, 28 years old, recurrent urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria May, had to “feel” service PPA, SMZ and so was ineffective, admitted to the hospital after more leucorrhea and smell, the gynecological consultation, the diagnosis of drops Insect vaginal
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