无病三分虚 夏令当清补

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进补,人们一般习惯于冬季,即所谓“冬令进补”。那么,夏令要进补吗?实际上,夏令进补很重要。 虚则补之是中医治疗大法之一,用现代医学的观点解释,就是补充能量和营养物质,修复组织和增强功能。夏天,由于日长夜短,睡眠休息时间相对减少,再加上天气炎热,出汗多,体力消耗比其它季节要大。而消化功能大多有所降低,进食减少,所以一般到了夏天,就出现了补充进人体的营养物质少、消耗的营养物质多的情况,许多人会显得消瘦起来,人的体质都有所下降,出现“无病三分虚”的现象。 Tonic, people are generally accustomed to winter, the so-called “winter tonic.” So, summer to tonic it? In fact, summer tonic is very important. Emptiness is one of the major ways to treat traditional Chinese medicine. Explaining it from the point of view of modern medicine is to supplement the energy and nutrients, repair the tissues and enhance the functions. In summer, because of the long night, the sleeping time is relatively reduced, coupled with hot weather, sweating, physical exertion than other seasons. Most of the digestive function has been reduced, eating less, so in general to the summer, there have been added to the body less nutrients, the consumption of nutrients and more, many people will appear weight loss, people’s physical decline, Appear “disease-free three points” phenomenon.