我在人民日报四十年 连载23

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新中国首次大张旗鼓反腐败在1952年中央人民政府团拜会上,毛泽东主席号召“全体人民和一切工作人员一致起来,大张旗鼓地,雷厉风行地,开展一个大规模的反对贪污、反对浪费、反对官僚主义的斗争,将这些旧社会遗留下来的污毒洗干净”。这把火烧得及时,好人兴高采烈,坏人胆战心惊。隔了3天,《人民日报》发表社论《在反贪污、反浪费、反官僚主义的伟大斗争中,发动群众的关键何在!》这篇文章主要谈领导,谈“领导负责,亲自动手”,要求各级领导充分认识这个运动的伟大意义,指出“三反”如果搞不好,有“亡党亡国亡身”的危险;指出手头不干净的领导干部,要公开检讨,争取主动;对问题严重的,不管地位多高,资格多老,都要严肃处理,开除、撤职、法办。毛泽东同志赞赏此文,一字未易,批示“甚好,可即发表”。附带说一句:文章虽好,题目平平,27个字,太长了。新闻标 New China First Propaganda and Anti-Corruption for the First Time At the Central People’s Government Reunification Meeting in 1952, Chairman Mao Zedong called on all the people and all staff members to join hands in unanimously and swiftly and vigorously to launch a large-scale anti-corruption campaign against waste and against bureaucratism Struggle to wash away the pollution left by these old societies. “ This fire was burned in time, good people elated, the villains scared. After 3 days, the People’s Daily published an editorial entitled ”What is the Key to Mobilizing the Mass in the Great Anti-Corruption, Anti-Waste and Anti-Bureaucratic Efforts?“ This article mainly talks about leadership, talk about ”leadership is responsible and hands-on“ He urged all leaders at all levels to fully understand the great significance of this campaign and pointed out the danger of ”death from party death and death“ if the ”three oppositions“ were not well done. He pointed out that leading cadres who are not clean at hand should conduct open reviews and seek initiative; Seriously, no matter how high the status or eligibility is, they must be dealt with severely, dismissed from office, removed from office and handled by law. Comrade Mao Zedong appreciated this article, saying no words easily, indicating ”very good, it can be published." Incidentally: the article is good, the title is mediocre, 27 words, too long. News standard
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