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  I was asked to tell a few stories about my Dad. Sitting here wondering what to write, your life starts flashing back like a Kodak film commercial1. Song stuck in my head: “Memories, light the corners of my mind; misty watercolor memories of the way we were. Scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind; smiles we give to one another for the way we were.”2
  Where do I begin?
  Flashes of my father, crew cut, white shirt, skinny black tie, drinking bottles of warm Old Milwaukee beer(since my grandparents never put it anywhere but the back porch), and arguing politics around my grandparents’kitchen table.3 I’m standing next to him, his arm around me, a kiss, and a sip of beer. I go on my way. I forgot to mention, big fat stinky4 cigar in his mouth.
  Moments continue to crash my mind as I remember an afternoon sitting on the back steps outside in the summer sun, eating crab legs with my dad, brother, and sister. Laughing in the car, a long time ago in Nashville, TN, we ended up on a new freeway not open for traffic, and couldn’t get off because the ramps weren’t open either; we teased him about that forever.5 I reflect how he held my hand, as tight as he could, on my first roller coaster6 ride; maybe he was more scared that I was going to fly out than I was.
  My mind spins with memories of a time when as a family, we stepped up and helped one another. My brother, not used to living with us, realized that my father went to the grocery store several times every Sunday morning; we called him “Rover7”.
  Imprinted8 on my mind was sitting in his work room in Oklahoma talking about current events and such, sharing a beer and a few laughs. A chuckle escaped when he took a hammer and pounded on the bench, so my mom and grandmother would think he was working.9 He would remind me that I should not carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. Sitting, watching him make a cradle for my niece Amy or the corner cabinet to put his “stuff” in; my mother kept moving his “stuff”. The cradle has been shared by many babies since and I have that cabinet in my home now. It is cherished, as are the hours I spent sitting on the stool watching him work, talking. We shared a few beers and some life lessons during those hours.
  My mind glitters of the morning I was married. We had breakfast together that morning. I think back now, he seemed nervous. And the look of fear on his face, just as we started to walk down the aisle, the memory makes me chuckle as I remember how I laughed all the way down the aisle of the church. I had never seen that look on his face before; he was always so strong and composed10.
  The memories flood of my Dad out ice fishing with my husband, an arm around Bob after the day, and the smile on his face. I think how grateful I am that I married a man that could share my father’s interests. Stories of how he would lay down in the sled for a nap, you would hear the snoring across the lake.11 He loved being out on the lake with the guys.
  The memories that make my heart sparkle are the ones he spent with his grandson, Bobby. How they walked down the street hand in hand. There was always time for building and fixing stuff, together. There were frequent trips to the zoo, the park, the Mitchell Park Domes, the museum, trips to buy poinsettias12 for Christmas just to see the giant train set. They were two peas in a pod13 and went everywhere together.
  Another picture flashes through my head of Papa Dano and Amanda still in their pajamas14, wrapped in robes, talking and eating breakfast. Sitting at the kitchen counter, they captured a memory over a bowl of cereal. Memories keep pouring back as the kids laugh about the time grandpa was checking everybody’s shoes for dog poop15, “Somebody stepped in poop and dragged it in the house, dam-it.” Yeah, it was on his shoes.
  And a more recent event that I will hold in my heart and always treasure—the day his granddaughter got married. For just a little bit he danced with Amanda and with my mother—for just a moment we got to see the man that he is. And out of the blue16, he said to me,“My granddaughter looks beautiful today!”
  As I sit here and remember, I take to heart the quote, “Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.” That simple quote is reflected in every photo tucked in a drawer somewhere, and is magnified every time you take a moment to peek back.17
  1. commercial: 商业广告。
  2. 本句是美国歌手芭芭拉·史翠珊的经典名曲《往日情怀》中的歌词,歌词大意是:回忆照亮我心中的角落,那里珍藏着我们曾拥有的水彩般迷朦的日子,还有被我们抛在脑后的阵阵微笑,我们常相视而笑,因为我们共同拥有一段美好时光。
  3. crew cut: 平头;Milwaukee: 密尔沃基市,位于美国威斯康星洲,是著名的啤酒之乡;porch: 门廊,柱廊。
  4. stinky: 臭的。
  5. ramp: (出入公路或高速公路的)引道,匝道;tease: 嘲笑。
  6. roller coaster: 过山车,云霄飞车。
  7. rover: 流浪者,漫游者。
  8. imprint: 铭刻,牢记。
  9. chuckle: 窃笑,暗自笑;hammer: 锤子;pound: 重击。
  10. composed: 镇静的,沉着的。
  11. sled: 雪橇;snore: 打鼾,打呼噜。
  12. poinsettia: 一品红,其树苗用于圣诞节的装饰。
  13. pod: 荚,豆荚。two peas in a pod意思是“一模一样,极其相像”。
  14. pajama: 睡衣裤。
  15. poop: 〈俚〉粪便。
  16. out of the blue: 出乎意外地,突然。
  17. tuck: 塞进;drawer: 抽屉;peek: 很快看一眼,匆匆一瞥。
题图摄影 杨帆  魏广广:圈内都习惯叫他大魏。这是一个阳光帅气的年轻小伙儿,脸上总是带着略显腼腆却让人觉得简单温暖的笑容。但在这笑容后面,是一颗坚韧的心灵—— 他,可以为了维持自己热爱的攀岩在街边售卖明信片;他,也可以为了完成一条攀岩线路死磕上大半年的时间。他更是仅用了一年半的时间,就完成了从攀岩菜鸟到5.14级别国内顶尖攀岩选手的跨越。    第一次听说大魏的名字,是2015年我们在做中国户外金
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昆山马拉松  举办时间:4月15日  赛事举办地:江苏省昆山市  比赛项目:全程马拉松/半程马拉松/5公里迷你马拉松  赛事规模:6000人(全程马拉松1500人,半程马拉2000人,迷你马拉松2500人)  承办方:宝悍体育  看点:江南水乡,园林城市    昆山虽然是江苏省的一个县级市,但连续多年被评为中国中小城市综合实力百强市之首,还曾荣获联合国人居奖、首批“生态园林城市”。2017年,昆山
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《戶外探险》“荒野计划”首批入选线路出炉  作为行业媒体,户外探险平台有责任和义务鼓励这些开拓者的探索行为和精神,让更多有能力、有梦想的爱好者成为户外行业的领路人。因此,在2020 年户外探险平台正式发起,鼓励探索原创徒步线路的“荒野计划”。该计划由户外探险平台发起,首条线路联合户外品牌Mystery Ranch 共同打造,旨在鼓励更多具备开辟原创徒步线路能力的爱好者,尝试、探索新线路。经过60
自2012年加入清华山野协会,断断续续已在协会待了7年,近些年协会日益面临两大困境:缺钱缺人。参加巅峰户外2016年首届高校登山培训时,全国数十所高校户外社团成员聚在一起,分享时发现多数社团面临这一困境:后继无人,尤其是缺乏“老人”,每年登山攀岩集训过后难以留下人,一些传统逐渐丢失。  人难留,虽有外部原因,如学习压力大了,各种诱惑多了,没有那么多时间分给户外了,但更重要的还是内部原因,其中最重要
风雨彩虹中,涌现出越来越多的“铿锵玫瑰”,女性正逐渐成为户外各个领域最明亮的风景。但也不可否认,因为女性特有的生理及心理特点,在户外特殊的地理条件和难以完全预测的活动环境中,女性有时候会面临更多的挑战。  做好充分的准备,将户外活动的风险降至最低,轻松安全地享受户外,享受生活,才是出行的题中之意。    下面以较为普遍的徒步为例,整理一些户外安全事项。户外安全不分男女,以下建议多普遍使用,不过女性