,Lipid-Modulated Trafficking in Plants

来源 :分子植物(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiuzhizhedetiantang
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Plants may not have a complex circulatory immune system like that of animals,but they do have a fairly sophisticated transport system that enables cell-to-cell communication as well as transport of water and solutes.This type of communication is key to the plants ability to regulate the spread of pathogenic microbes,mount responses to stress at distant sites,and regulate systemic signaling events.One cell-to-cell transport route is the symplastic route,which requires the plasmodesmata (PD),channels that traverse through cell walls and establish symplastic connections between adjacent cells.PD are formed during cytokinesis and can be simple or branched,and are delineated by a membrane that is continuous with the plasma membranes (PMs) of adjacent cells.PD contains a cylindrical inner component in the center of the pore,which is derived from the endoplasmic reticulum and is called the desmotubule.The space between the desmotubule and the PM acts as a cytoplasmic conduit that channels molecules across cells.
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操作系统扫盲──各平台数据交换为什么会有难度  由于手机操作系统Android、iPhone和WP8系统核心和文件系统都不同,使用的文件系统互相并不兼容,所以默认情况下不同平台之间的设备是无法实现数据直接交换的,比如将Android手机直接连接到Windows电脑上后,Windows无法识别Android手机,自然无法实现电脑和手机之间的数据交换(表1)。  解决不同平台的数据交换障碍方法主要有两