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近日,华菱星马产品队伍又添新兵,星马背罐车试制下线,并在江苏尚华砂浆站通过现场试验,认定各项性能指标均达到设计要求。2014年3月7日下午,华菱星马首台背罐车下线并现场交付客户。据悉,背罐车能够快速研发成功并实现销售,很大程度上依托该公司搭建的坚实完善的底盘产品平台,以及研发和营销部门共同深入市场,快速响应用户需求的努力。背罐车产品在实现2台营销的基础上将不断进行升级优化改 Recently, Hualing Star Horse product team has added new recruits, Star Horse back tanker trial production off the assembly line, and mortar stations in Jiangsu Shanghua field trials, that the performance indicators have reached the design requirements. On the afternoon of March 7, 2014, Hualing Star Horse first back tanker off the assembly line and delivered to the site. It is reported that the back tanker to quickly develop successful and achieve sales, to a large extent rely on the company to build a solid and complete chassis product platform, and R & D and marketing departments to work together in-depth market, rapid response to user needs. Back tanker products in the realization of two marketing on the basis of continuous upgrading will be optimized
High performance liquid chromatography coupled with quadruple-time-of-flight mass spectrometry(HPLC-Q-TOF-MS)method was developed for analyzing the hydrolytic m
文章探讨了机房设备在规划设计时应依据的原则,从机房配置设备的特点出发,分析了机房布局和环境要求,机房供配电包括照明系统、机房 UPS电源等工作原理以及建设过程中需采取
The dynamics of oxidation of cobalt nanoparticles were directly revealed by in situ environmental transmission electron microscopy.Firstly,cobalt nanoparticles
2001年 9月, 山东省章丘市博物馆对章丘市大康遗址进行了发掘, 发掘面积 50平方米, 发现龙山文化、岳石文化等遗存。该遗址面积较大, 为章丘市境内一处较为重要的古文化遗址