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左撇子运动会:为了向众人证明左撇子的运动能力,替左撇子撑腰打气,前不久,美国左撇子联盟特地举办了一次别开生面的左撇子运动会。这次运动会在美国的圣奥尔多举行。比赛的项目有乒乓球、羽毛球、网球、高尔夫球和田径等。参赛的男、女运动员都是青一色的左撇子。更为有趣的是,担任运动会裁判工作的裁判员是左撇子;工作人员和服务员是左撇子;啦啦队员也是左撇子,可谓是左撇子的大聚会。在举办运动会期间,组织者与主办者还专门在体育场上向人们展示了许多世界著名的左撇子运动员的彩照。 Left-hander Games: In order to prove to everyone the ability of left-handers to play for the left-hander cheerleading, not long ago, the United States left-handed coalition held an extraordinary left-handed games. The game is held in the United States, Santo Ordo. Contest items are table tennis, badminton, tennis, golf and track and field. Male and female athletes participating are all of the same qualities as southpaws. More interesting is that the referee as a referee at the Games are left-handed; staff and waiters are left-handed; cheerleaders are left-handed, can be described as left-handed party. During the Games, organizers and organizers also showcased pictures of many of the world’s best left-handed athletes on the stadium.
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1993年的南美足坛,赛事频繁,风云变化,在世界足坛引起了强烈的反响。 South American football in 1993, frequent events, changes in the situation in the world football h
纪录片《舌尖上的中国》出人意料地掀起了一股收视热潮。这不仅在于它介绍的美食,更在于它的人文关怀;它不但让人垂涎欲滴,更让远离家乡的旅人乡愁涌动。 Documentary “Chi
在中国人民抗日战争胜利50周年之际,有一部影片的拍摄特别受到人们的关注,这就是由青年导演吴子牛执导、海峡两岸影人合作的《南京大屠杀》。 1937年12月13日,侵华日军攻陷
The intensive transient non Fourier heat conduction caused by high power laser ignition and the classical heat conduction are analyzed. It indicates that laser