食物、中药与甲流 冬季里不得不说的健康故事

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随着气温的降低,年初曾肆虐全球的的甲型H1N1流感又悄无生息的回到人们中间,等到人们惊觉时,已经有两个年轻的生命远离了我们的视线。于是恐慌再一次降临,口罩、消毒液、预防流感的药物再次出现了热销。但是与以往不同的是,这一次人们的心理承受能力更高,而政府的行动力更强。没多久,有关预防甲型H1N1流感的食补建议以及中药配方就已新鲜出炉,在这个白雪皑皑的冬季为人们带来一丝暖的契机。 As the temperature dropped, the H1N1 flu that ravaged the world at the beginning of the year returned to the middle of the world silently. When people were alerted, two young lives had been away from our sight. So panic once again come to the respirator, disinfectant, prevention of influenza drugs appeared again hot. But unlike in the past, people are more psychologically capable this time, while the government is more motivated. Not long after, the recommendations on the dietary supplement for the prevention of influenza A (H1N1) and the prescription of Chinese medicines have been freshly brought to the world, giving people a warm chance in this snowy winter.