中共湖南省委 湖南省人民政府批转省体委《关于振兴湖南体育事业的报告》的通知

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省委、省政府原则同意省体委《关于振兴湖南体育事业的报告》,现转发给你们,请参照执行。振兴湖南体育事业,是建设社会主义精神文明的一个重要方面。它对于提高人民健康水平,振奋群众的革命精神,促进经济建设的高涨,都将起重要作用。各级党委和政府要切实加强对体育工作的领导,把体育事业的发展列入社会发展规划,帮助体育部门解决一些实际困难。要健全体育事业机构,按干部“四化”条件,选拔一批懂业务、热爱体育事业、年轻有为的干部,调整,充实、加强各级体委的领导班子。要重视开展群众性的体育活动,要重视体育人才的培养,要从青少年抓起。各级各类学 Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government agree in principle with Provincial Sports Commission “on the revitalization of sports in Hunan report,” are forwarded to you, please refer to the implementation. To revitalize the sports in Hunan is an important aspect of building a socialist spiritual civilization. It will play an important role in raising the people’s health level, inspiring the revolutionary spirit of the masses and promoting the rise of economic construction. Party committees and governments at all levels should conscientiously strengthen their leadership over sports work and include the development of sports in their social development plans to help the sports sector to solve some practical difficulties. We should perfect sports institutions and select cadres who understand business, love sports and young and promising cadres and adjust, enrich and strengthen the leadership of the Physical Education Commission at all levels, in accordance with the conditions of cadres and the “four modernizations.” We should attach importance to carrying out mass sports activities, we must attach importance to the cultivation of sports talents, and we must start from young people. Various types of learning at all levels
本文阐述了实用型自动调谐的钛宝石激光器的设计,用Nd∶YAG倍频的脉冲激光泵浦,在10Hz的重复频率下获得单脉冲最高输出能量为60mJ,效率为375%。 This paper describes the design of a practic
散文中和银幕上的蒙太奇思维既有共性,也有独特性。 电影中的蒙太奇不是一下子就成为我们今天所看见的样子,也不是一下子就会变成明天的样子。 The montage in prose and o
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摘 要:我们教师应该设计减负增效型英语作业,减轻学生的心理压力,使作业适应不同层次学生的英语学习实际,满足不同层次学生的英语学习欲望,让学生乐学英语并且学好英语。  关键词:尊重;竞赛;学生兴趣;个性化作业  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)20-071-1  2011版《英语课程标准》中指出:“课程要体现以学生为主体的思想, 在教学目标、教学内容、教