Effect of Substrate Type and Temperature on the Tribological Properties of MoS_x Coatings

来源 :材料热处理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanyuan814606754
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MoS coatings were prepared by means of bipolar-pulsed DC magnetron sputtering on different substrate type at various temperature. The structure and fretting behavior of MoS, coatings have been determined respectively by XRD and fretting tester in air of 10% to 90% RH and under the load of 1 to 10 N. With increasing substrate temperature, the edge orientation evolves in the MoSx coating, and the relative content of edge-to-basal orientation becomes large. The tribological performance of coatings gets deteriorated. Compared with MoS, coatings on TiN/H13, CrN/H13 and MoS /Ti multilayer, MoS coating on H13 substrate has a lower load bearing capacity, and worn away easily under higher normal load 5N or ION and in air of 90% RH during the fretting process. The friction and wear properties of MoS, coatings on TiN/H13 and CrN/H13 (dual-layer) are slight better than that of MoS, /Ti multilayer under the normal load tested and in air of<10%to90%RH. MoS coatings were prepared by means of bipolar-pulsed DC magnetron sputtering on different substrate type at various temperatures. The structure and fretting behavior of MoS, coatings have been determined respectively by XRD and fretting tester in air of 10% to 90% RH and under The loading of 1 to 10 N. With increasing substrate temperature, the edge orientation evolves in the MoSx coating, and the relative content of edge-to-basal orientation becomes large. TiN / H13, CrN / H13 and MoS / Ti multilayer, MoS coating on H13 substrate has a lower load bearing capacity, and worn away easily under higher normal load 5N or ION and in air of 90% RH during the fretting process. and wear properties of MoS, coatings on TiN / H13 and CrN / H13 (dual-layer) are slight better than that of MoS, / Ti multilayer under the normal load tested and in air of <10% to 90% RH.
当前我国新生儿急诊医学正在迅速发展 ,无论在新生儿重症监护病房(NICU)的临床诊治过程中 ,还是在院前高危新生儿转运时 ,都急需制定一个国内统一的危重新生儿评估标准 ,为此 ,我
家住平和,盛产蜜柚。装袋入箱,走出四里八乡。我家也种蜜柚,怕被虫咬,怕长斑,成熟后就要套袋,那是一种特制的透明薄膜袋,我还记得第一次包柚子的情景。  又到了蜜柚飘香的季节。田野里,小山上,到处都是村民忙碌的身影。我跟着爸爸来到柚子园,挎上我的“专属”背包,准备大干一场啦。  “千万注意,不要包蜜柚不成反倒伤了自己。还有,包的时候要用巧劲,万不能用蛮力,否则不仅袋子会破,蜜柚还可能掉下来,记住了?”
就塔身撑杆在塔身主弦中产生较大附加应力的原因作了定性分析,并就其支座的合理设计作了讨论。 On the tower body pole in the tower main chord to produce greater stress
背景:鞘氨醇1磷酸受体(sphingosine 1~-phosphate(S1P)receptor,S1PR)是淋巴细胞表面一种G~-蛋白偶联受体,其配体是S1P。S1P/S1PR间的相互作用对淋巴细胞在体内的分布和迁移
患者:顾×女14岁学生住院号:12320 右眼视物模糊变形三个月,989年7月5日入院,既往双眼高度近视,身体健康,体格检查无异常。眼科检查:视力:右指数/颞侧30cm,左眼矫正视力1.0