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尽管太阳队在本赛季最后一次作客东部的比赛中不敌76人队,没能创造一个赛季客场对另一赛区球队全胜战绩的纪录。但是14胜1负仍然是历史上客场对另一赛区的最佳战绩。如果你知道1995-96赛季那支创造了72胜10负常规赛最佳战绩的公牛队在客场对另一赛区的球队还要输掉4场比赛,你就知道太阳队今天取得的成绩有多么了不起。很显然太阳队不可能比那支公牛队还要出色,太阳队能创造历史的一个很重要原因就是东部球队在本赛季的比赛中显得过于疲软(尤其是在赛季前半程,在全明星赛之后,东部的球队有反弹的迹象)。尽管在过去3个赛季中有2次夺冠的球队出自东部,好像“西强东弱”的概念似乎已经是过去时了,但是本赛季开始后,西部球队空前强势,各大媒体的球队实力排行榜前几名几乎被西部球队包揽。今年的总决赛看起来又要没什么看头了! Although the Suns lost to the Sixers during their last guest play in the Eastern Conference this season, they failed to create a record of a season away to the All-NBA victory record. However, 14 wins and 1 loss is still the best record in the history of another division. If you know the bulls that made the 72-10 regular-season record in the 1995-96 season lost four games away from one team in the other division, you know what the Suns are doing today How amazing Obviously the Phoenix Suns are not going to be better than the Bulls. One of the big reasons the Suns can make history is that the Eastern teams have been too weak this season (especially in the first half of the season, in the All-Star Game After the eastern team has a sign of a rebound). Although two of the favorites in the last three seasons have come from the East, the seemingly “West Strong East” concept seems to be past tense, but after the start of the season, the Western teams were an all-time high and the ball of major media Top teams rankings almost swept the western team. This year’s finals look no more worth seeing!
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双核还是三人?这是个问题。全明星赛前,来自奇才队“BIG 3”的璀璨,曾让我们感受到一丝华丽。处于鼎盛期的阿伦纳斯+贾米森+卡隆·巴特勒,每场曾联手拿下69.6分。本赛季,“BIG
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