
来源 :中国资产评估 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wudouyuan
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2016年7月27日,深圳市资产评估协会召开了深圳评协第三届理事会第六次会议。大会听取了协会会长王毅对《资产评估法》进行的讲解和解读,以及协会秘书长李伟对《资产评估法》的部分条款进行的补充解读。大会增补李强、沈晓伟为协会第三届理事会理事;通过了协会拟购买工作用车的议案。大会还针对《中华人民共和国资产评估法》进行了认真的讨论和学习。重点探讨了资产评估法对行业的影响以及如何积极应对资产评估法。 On July 27, 2016, Shenzhen Assets Appraisal Association held the 6th meeting of the 3rd Board of Directors of Shenzhen Evaluation Association. The conference listened to the explanation and interpretation made by the president of the association Wang Yi on the Asset Appraisal Law and the supplementary interpretation of some articles of the Asset Appraisal Law by the association’s secretary-general Li Wei. The meeting added Li Qiang, Shen Xiaowei Association for the third council members; adopted the Association proposed to purchase a job vehicle motion. The Assembly also conducted a serious discussion and study on the “Asset Appraisal Law of the People’s Republic of China.” The paper mainly discusses the influence of asset appraisal law on the industry and how to deal with asset appraisal law actively.
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