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宝山遗址位于陕西省城固县,地处秦岭南麓余脉的一个小山包上,面积近5万平方米。自1998年1月至1999年5月进行考古发掘,发掘面积达1720平方米,分A、B两区。A区收获丰富,发现新石器时代和商时期烧烤坑65个,房屋基址6座,墓葬8座,还有汉代储藏坑及其他遗迹,并出土陶器、青铜器、骨器 Baoshan site is located in Chenggu County, Shaanxi Province, is located in the southern foot of the Qinling Mountains on a hill package, an area of ​​nearly 50,000 square meters. From January 1998 to May 1999 for archeological excavations, excavation area of ​​1720 square meters, divided into A, B two districts. Area A is rich in harvest. It is found that there are 65 barbecue pits in the Neolithic period and commercial period, 6 base sites for houses, 8 tombs, storage pits and other relics in the Han Dynasty, and unearthed pottery, bronze and bone tools
三峡工程和关于它的争论同样举世瞩目。消除对三峡工程的长期误解和偏见,有赖于理性认识三峡工程和库区发展的实际,科学认识水电开发的实践  “一波还未平息,一波又来侵袭”。对三峡工程的质疑如蛰伏的暗潮,平时波澜不兴,而一遇对三峡工程不利的传闻,马上汹涌而来。  2012年4月,一条“中国将在今年底计划搬迁三峡库区附近2万名群众,5年后将有10万人被转移”的新闻,让不少人误以为三峡工程又出大事情,非得大规
AIM:To identify the susceptible gene (s) for type 2 diabetesin the prevousely mapped region,1p36.33-p36.23,in Hanpopulation of North China using single nucleot
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Objective: To examine how demographic and pregnancy characteristics can affect the risk of recurrent preterm delivery and the how the effectiveness of progester