Time-division multiplexing holographic display using angular-spectrum layer-oriented method(Invited

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zenghui_yan
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A time-division multiplexing method for computer-generated holograms(CGHs) is proposed to solve the problem of the limited space-bandwidth product. A three-dimensional(3-D) scene is divided into multiple layers at different depths. The CGH corresponding to each layer is calculated by an angular-spectrum algorithm that is effective at a wide range of propagation distances. All of the CGHs are combined into several group-CGHs.These group-CGHs are sequentially uploaded onto one spatial light modulator at a high frame rate. The spacebandwidth product can be benefited by the time-division processing of the CGHs. The proposed method provides a new approach to achieve high quality 3-D display with a fast and accurate CGH computation. A time-division multiplexing method for computer-generated holograms (CGHs) is proposed to solve the problem of the limited space-bandwidth product. A three-dimensional (3-D) scene is divided into multiple layers at different depths. to each layer is calculated by an angular-spectrum algorithm that is effective at a wide range of propagation distances. All of the CGHs are combined into several groups-CGHs.These group-CGHs are sequentially uploaded onto one spatial light modulator at a high frame rate. The spacebandwidth product can be benefited by the time-division processing of the CGHs. The proposed method provides a new approach to achieve high quality 3-D display with a fast and accurate CGH computation.
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