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用一个形象的比喻来说,求职应聘仿佛过城门。用人单位是城,面试是门,而主考官则是守门人。有很多想入城的人,已置身在城门,却总是进不了城,说到底是通不过那个守门人。那些几进几出、轻松自如过此门的“专家们”;却在谈笑之间道出了通过这扇门的关键所在。他们认为,求职面试的全过程,其实可以归结为主考官和应聘者之间的8道问答题。如果你是个应聘者,你的回答准确、巧妙,那你就是一个合格的入城者。一、你是谁,你的真实情况如何?这是考官首先要知道的事,你应该一开场就给人以良好的印象,在两分钟内简明地陈述受过的教育、工作经历,并引伸到你认为能够胜任的工作上去。例如,一个成功的应聘者说:“我也许没有什么显著的学历,但请看我经历十年中所取得的成就……”一番话把他有能力、有自信、刻苦工作的印象留给了考官。 With a figurative metaphor, job applicants seem to cross the gate. Employer is the city, the interview is the door, and the examiner is the gatekeeper. There are many who want to enter the city, have been placed in the city gate, but always can not enter the city, in the final analysis is not the gatekeeper. The “experts” who walked in and walked through the door with ease, but spoke in laughter at the key to the passage of the door. In their opinion, the whole process of job interviews can be attributed to the eight question and answer questions between the examiner and the candidate. If you are a candidate, your answer is accurate and ingenious, then you are a qualified entry into the city. First, Who are you and what is your real situation? This is the first thing the examiner needs to know. You should give a good impression at the opening, concisely state your education and work experience in two minutes and extend it to You think you can do the job. For example, a successful candidate said: “I may not have any significant qualifications, but see what I’ve achieved in a decade...” Some words leave him with the impression of ability, confidence and hard work Give the examiner.
健康的身体依赖于三大营养要素的共同维持,其中任意一个营养要素跟不上都可能引起相应的疾病。 A healthy body relies on the co-maintenance of the three major nutritio
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