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华东师范大学崔允漷教授给“理答”下的定义是:教师在课堂上经常使用的一种教学行为,即教师对学生回答问题后的反应和处理,是课堂问答的重要组成部分。有学者说过:“教师的智慧语言像钥匙,能打开学生心灵的窗户;像火炬,能照亮学生的未来;像种子,能深埋在学生的心田。”当我们精心设计和组织的课堂提问出现偏离课堂主题、答非所问等现象时,就需要教师提高理答意识,应用理答技巧,发挥理答机智。这样,就可以激发学生的学习兴趣,调动学生思维的积极性,为学生营造积极探索、求知创造的氛围,建立愉快和谐、心理相融的师生关系。我结合平时教学的一些理解与体会,总结了以下几点不太成熟的观点: The definition given by Professor Cui Yunxun from East China Normal University to “Rational Answer ” is: a kind of teaching practice frequently used by teachers in the classroom. That is, teachers ’response to and handling of students’ questions are an important part of the classroom quiz. Some scholars have said: “Teachers ’wisdom language is like a key, which can open the window of the students’ heart; like a torch, it can illuminate the future of the student; like a seed, can deeply buried in the heart of a student.” "When we elaborately design and organize Classroom questions appear deviation from the classroom theme, answering questions such as non-performance, you need teachers to improve the sense of rationale, the application of rational response skills, play a rational response. In this way, we can arouse students ’interest in learning, mobilize the enthusiasm of students’ thinking, create a positive exploration for students, seek creative atmosphere, and establish a harmonious and harmonious relationship between teachers and students. I combine some of the usual understanding of teaching and experience, summed up the following points are not mature point of view:
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