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巴拿马运河于19世纪末动工,最初由一家法国公司承建(cheng jian)。在当时,公司的工程技术和挖掘(wa jue)设施(she shi)都是世界一流。因此,尽管那里群山连绵(mian)、丛林密布,施工人员并没有将这些大自然的险阻 (xian zu)放在眼里,他们期待着能在不久之后开通运河。然而,让人始料不及的是,工程自开工之日起就进展不顺,一拖多年,最后还是被迫放弃了。迫(po)使他们半途(tu)而废(fei)的不是高山和密林,而是当地一种很普通的蚊子。正是这种蚊子导致人群中黄热病的传播(bo),造成数以万计的工人丧命(sang ming)。此后,运河工程由另一家公司接手。这家公司吸取了教训,将蚊子问题纳 (na)入整个工程计划的一部分,采取措施使工人免受蚊子的叮咬和疾(ji)病的侵袭(qin xi)。几年后,高山被夷(yi)为平地,丛林也变成了坦途(tan tu),沟通大西洋和太平洋的巴拿马运河终于贯(guan)通了。 The Panama Canal was started at the end of the 19th century and was originally built by a French company. At the time, the company's engineering and wa jue facilities were world class. Therefore, even though the mian and the jungle are densely covered, the construction workers did not take these natural dangers into their eyes and they are looking forward to opening the canal in the near future. However, surprisingly, the project has not proceeded smoothly since the start of construction. After years of being dragged down, it was forced to give up. It is not the mountains and the jungles that force them to be tu (tu) but rather ordinary mosquitoes in the area. It is this mosquito that causes the spread of yellow fever in the population, resulting in the death of tens of thousands of workers. After that, the canal project was taken over by another company. The company learned the lesson of incorporating mosquito problems into part of the overall project and took steps to protect workers from mosquito bites and qi xi. A few years later, the mountains were flattened by yi and the jungle became tan tu. The Panama Canal, the gateway to the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, finally passed through.
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