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分布于宁镇山脉、皖南一带的孤峰组是一套硅质岩系,其中所含的软体动物化石虽有所报道,但缺乏系统的描述。笔者于1975及1976年期间带领学生在贵池县潘桥,灌口两地实习时,在该组下部浅褐、棕褐色的含锰泥岩中采集了一些软体动物化石,经鉴定,这批软体动物化石归属于三个纲,12个属(其中一个新属),16个种(其中三个新种)他们是:Mourlsnia(Pseudobaylea) freneyensis,Amphiscapha(Cylicioscapha) aff.grada,Subenchondria pangiacensis(gen.et sp.nov.),Euchendria guankouensis(sp.nov.),Euchondria of.jingxianensis,Acanthopecten sp.,Palaeclima anhuiensis(sp.nov.),Wilkingia sp.,Tainoceras of. hunaense,Metacocera~s sp.,Erinoceras aff.lincaium,Erinoceras aff.ellipium,Erinoceras sp.,Altudoceras of.zitteli,Altudoceras sp.,Paraceltites hoeferi.与其共生的化石有腕足类: Located in the Ningzhen Mountains, the Gufeng group in the southern part of Anhui Province is a set of siliceous rock series. The molluscan fossils it contains are reported but lack systematic description. In 1975 and 1976, when leading the students to practice in Panqiao and Guankou, Guichi County, the author collected some molluscan fossils in the light brown and tan muddy mudstone of the lower part of the group. After being identified, the softwares Animal fossils belong to three classes, 12 genera (one of them new genus), 16 species (three of them new species): Mourlsnia (Pseudobaylea) freneyensis, Amphiscapha (Cylicioscapha) aff.grada, Subenchondria pangiacensis (gen. et sp.nov.), Euchendria guankouensis (sp. nov.), Euchondria of.jingxianensis, Acanthopecten sp., Palaeclima anhuiensis (sp.nov.), Wilkingia sp., Tainoceras of hunaense, Metacocera ssp., Erinoceras aff.lincaium, Erinoceras aff.ellipium, Erinoceras sp., Altudoceras of.zitteli, Altudoceras sp., Paraceltites hoeferi. The fossils associated therewith are brachiopods:
本文用新合成的亚戊基双(4′苯并15冠5)为中性载体,制备PVC膜铊(1)电极。其线性范围1.0×10~(-5)—1.0×10~(-1)mol/L。捡出下限5.6×10~(-6)mol L:响应斜率59.5mV p m0l ITI
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距南京20公里的栖霞山地 区,曾是日军攻打南京时的战场。 在那场惨绝人寰的“南京大屠杀” 中,栖霞山地区的江南水泥厂和栖 霞寺成了数万难民的避难所。据幸 存者回忆,当时在