Intermittent portal triad clamping in resection of liver tumors involving the hepatocaval confluence

来源 :Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Diseases International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ilovemn
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Objective: To review our experience in and the re-sults of resecting liver tumors involving the hepatoca-val confluence under intermittent portal triad clam-ping (PTC).Methods: Sixty-eight consecutive patients with livertumors involving the hepatocaval confluence under-went hepatectomies with liver parenchymal transec-tions under intermittent PTC.Results: All the tumors were successfully resected un-der PTC, except for one in which the infrahepatic in-ferior vena cava was concomitantly occluded in addi-tion to PTC. There was neither operative death noruncontrollable massive bleeding or air embolism oc-curred in our patients. The bleedings from the mainand short hepatic veins and right adrenal veins wereproperly managed during the operation, with a meanintraoperative blood loss of 1400 ml. Of the 68tumors resected, 65 were hepatocellular carcinomas(HCC). Their 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-year suvival rateswere 64.11%, 52. 82%, 44.90% and 36.98%, re-spectively, and the patients with HCC with capsulessurvived significantly longer than those with HCCwithout capsules.Conclusions: The liver tumors involving the hepato-caval confluence could be safely resected simply un-der PTC, without routine use of total hepatic vascu-lar exclusion. As for HCCs in this area, the tumorwith capsule is a better indicator for surgical resec-tion than that without capsule. Objective: To review our experience in and the re-sults of resecting liver tumors involving the hepatoca-val confluence under intermittent portal triad clam-ping (PTC). Methods: Sixty-eight consecutive patients with livertumors involving the hepatocaval confluence under-went hepatectomies with liver parenchymal transec-tions under intermittent PTC. Results: All the tumors were successfully resected un-der PTC, except for one in which the infrahepatic in-ferior vena cava was concomitantly occluded in addi- tion to PTC. There was neither operative death The bleedings from the main and short hepatic veins and right adrenal veins were administered perioperatively, with a mean intraoperative blood loss of 1400 ml. Of the 68 tumors were resected, 65 were hepatocellular carcinomas ( HCC). Their 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-year suvival rateswere 64.11%, 52. 82%, 44.90% and 36.98% re-spectively, and the patients with HCC with capsul essurvived significantly longer than those with HCCwithout capsules. Conclusions: The liver tumors involving the hepato-caval confluence could be safely resected simply un-der PTC, without routine use of total hepatic vascu-lar exclusion. As for HCCs in this area, the tumorwith capsule is a better indicator for surgical resec-tion than that without capsule.
Background Numerous trials showed that blood pressure variability(BPV) plays an important role in triggering acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. Ho
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她的音乐好像是仙乐!从声音到意境都有奇特的仙气,如同仙界飘来的音乐。被世人称为“清凉妙仙女”的歌者敬善媛,犹如一个落入凡间的音乐精灵,用她无以伦比的妙音礼赞诸佛菩萨,咏唱世间良善。而她的音乐也成为中国电影音乐史上最值得珍藏的灵魂音乐。  敬善媛,这个名字似曾在哪里见过,真正开始了解和认识她是在看了电影《不肯去观音》后,影片主题曲那摄人魂魄的声音,仿佛从仙界飘来的天籁妙音,在我的耳畔久久的萦绕。敬善