Technical analysis of producing low Ni pig iron with laterite in a blast furnace

来源 :Baosteel Technical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jojoyks
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As nickel is mainly used to produce stainless steel,the demand for nickel is increasing.With the steady decline of nickel sulfide ore reserves,laterite will become the main source of nickel.In regards to China’s current blast furnace method of producing pig low Ni iron with laterite,this study analyzed the technical characteristics and relevant problems of this process based on the discussion on the characteristics of laterite.The study aims to provide a reference for the better use of laterite in China. As nickel is mainly used to produce stainless steel, the demand for nickel is increasing .With the steady decline of nickel sulfide ore reserves, laterite will become the main source of nickel.In regards to China’s current blast furnace method of producing pig low Ni iron with laterite, this study analyzed the technical characteristics and relevant problems of this process based on the discussion on the characteristics of laterite. The study aims to provide a reference for the better use of laterite in China.
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