
来源 :现代预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:network_worm
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目的分析常山县国家级血吸虫病监测点2005-2012年疫情状况,为制定血吸虫病防治对策提供科学依据。方法根据《全国血吸虫病监测方案》,每年对常山县国家级血吸虫病监测点开展病情、螺情监测,并进行相关流行因素调查。结果在2005-2012年期间,监测点仅在2006年发现1例输入性急性血吸虫病病人,未发现本地急性感染和新感染病人(畜)。8年累计发现有螺面积14 520 m2,活螺2 559只,未查到感染性钉螺。结论监测点疫情稳定,有少量残存钉螺,仍存在引起血吸虫病重新传播流行的潜在危险,应重点加强本地螺情和输入性传染源的监测,继续探索推进查灭螺运行机制,全面提升查螺队伍整体素质,巩固血防三无成果。 Objective To analyze the epidemic situation of national schistosomiasis surveillance sites in Changshan County from 2005 to 2012, and provide scientific evidence for the development of schistosomiasis control strategies. Methods According to the “National Schistosomiasis Surveillance Program”, the state of schistosomiasis surveillance sites in Changshan County were monitored each year, and the related epidemic factors were investigated. Results During 2005-2012, only one imported acute schistosomiasis patient was found at the monitoring site in 2006, and no local acute infection or new infected patient (domestic animal) was found. Over the past eight years, a total of 14 520 m2 of spiraling area and 2 559 live snails were found, and no infectious snails were detected. Conclusions The epidemic situation of the monitoring sites is stable with a small amount of surviving snails. There is still a potential danger of the re-transmission of schistosomiasis. We should focus on monitoring the local snail and sources of imported infection, and continue to explore and promote the operation mechanism of snail killing and enhance the snail search The overall quality of the team to consolidate the blood without any result.
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