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党的十四大报告中所概括的邓小平同志建设有中国特色的社会主义理论的主要内容中,社会主义的发展道路问题,理所当然地被列入首位。马克思主义的科学社会主义,揭示了社会主义制度必然要取代资本主义制度的历史规律性,并从理论上阐述了社会主义制度的一般特征。但是,无产阶级夺取政权以后,在不同发展水平的国家,究竟如何进行社会主义建设的问题,需要在实践中探索出一条符合各国国情的发展道路,才能保证不断地完善社会主义制度和发展社会主义事业。不论是中国社会主义建设的历史经验,还是国际社会主义事业的严重教训,都充分说明,能否找到一条把马克思主义的普遍真理与本国具体实际结合起来的社会主义发展道路,是关系到社会主义事业兴衰成败的一个根本问题。邓小平同志集全党集 In the main content of Comrade Deng Xiaoping's theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics as outlined in the party's 14th National Congress report, the issue of the path of development of socialism is, of course, among the first to be included. Marxist scientific socialism reveals that the socialist system must necessarily replace the historical regularity of the capitalist system and expounds the general characteristics of the socialist system theoretically. However, after the proletariat seized power, how to carry out the issue of socialist construction in different levels of development requires exploring in practice a development path that is in keeping with the national conditions of all countries so as to ensure continuous improvement of the socialist system and the development of socialism cause. Both historical experience in the construction of socialism in China and the serious lesson learned from the cause of international socialism have fully demonstrated whether it is possible to find a socialist road of development that combines the universal truth of Marxism with the concrete reality of our country and is related to socialism A fundamental problem in the success or failure of a business. Comrade Deng Xiaoping full party
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