弘扬优秀传统文化 继续振兴中医药——陈敏章部长在全国卫生工作会议上的工作报告(摘要)

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中华民族在漫长的同疾病作斗争的实践中,创造了独具特色的传统医药体系,在世界医药学发展史上独树一帜。传统医药与现代医药相互补充,共同担负着保护人民健康、提高人口素质的任务。 党和政府历来重视中医药事业,毛泽东同志在建国初期就指出:“中国医药学是一个伟大的宝库,应当努力发掘,加以提高”,国家为发展中医药事业制定了一系列方针政策,使中医药事业得到迅速恢复与发展。1978年,在医治“文革”创伤、国民经济还比较困难的状况下,邓小平同志明确要求各级党委和政府“要为中医创造良好的发展与提高的物质条件”,使受到“十年动乱”极大摧残的中医药事业获得新生。随着改革开放的进展,中西方文化交流的日益频繁,江泽民总书记一再强调“弘扬民族优秀文化,振兴中医 The Chinese nation has created a unique traditional medicine system in the long struggle against disease, which is unique in the history of the development of world medicine. Traditional medicine and modern medicine complement each other and jointly shoulder the task of protecting people’s health and improving the quality of the population. The party and government have always attached importance to the cause of traditional Chinese medicine. Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out at the beginning of the founding of the People’s Republic: “Chinese medicine is a great treasure house and should be diligently explored and improved”, and the state has formulated a series of guidelines and policies for the development of Chinese medicine. The pharmaceutical industry has been rapidly restored and developed. In 1978, under the conditions of healing the wounds of the Cultural Revolution and the national economy, Comrade Deng Xiaoping explicitly requested party committees and governments at all levels to “create a favorable material condition for the development and improvement of traditional Chinese medicine”, thus causing “ten years of unrest”. The extremely devastating Chinese medicine cause gained new life. With the progress of reform and opening up, the exchange of Chinese and Western cultures has become more frequent, and General Secretary Jiang Zemin has repeatedly stressed that "promoting excellent national culture and revitalizing Chinese medicine
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