Road traffic injury in Thailand:systematically underestimated?

来源 :海南医学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:likelikeme
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Road traffic injury is the fifth leading cause of death and disability in Thailand,with an estimated one million people seriously injured and 14000 deaths each year.Given the magnitude of the problem,it is important to validate road traffic injury statistics,in order to determine trends and the effect of prevention efforts.The Ministry of Public Health established an injury surveillance system in 1995 to collect injury data from 4 provincial hospitals and one hospital in Bangkok.This system was designed to evaluate the quality of acute trauma care and referral services,and to improve injury prevention and control at local and national level.However,many injuries are not treated at health facilities where these data are collected.This is the first study to measure the reporting gap for injury statistics on a national level.We compared data from the Thai National Injury Survey to that gathered by the injury surveillance system and find that the former records a rate 3 times higher than the hospital-based injury surveillance system in all five regions(mean injury incidence:596/100000 vs 129/100000).Most injuries that need medical care are not treated in hospital,and do not count in the national statistics in Thailand. Road traffic injury is the fifth leading cause of death and disability in Thailand, with an estimated one million people seriously injured and 14000 deaths each year. Giving the magnitude of the problem, it is important to validate road traffic injury statistics, in order to determine trends and the effect of prevention efforts. The Ministry of Public Health established an injury surveillance system in 1995 to collect injury data from 4 provincial hospitals and one hospital in Bangkok. This system was designed to evaluate the quality of acute trauma care and referral services, and to improve injury prevention and control at local and national level .However, many injuries are not treated at health facilities where these data are collected.This is the first study to measure the reporting gap for injury statistics on a national level. from the Thai National Injury Survey to that gathered by the injury surveillance system and find that the former records a rate 3 times higher than t he hospital-based injury surveillance system in all five regions (The mean injury incidence: 596/100000 vs 129/100000). Mounts injuries that need medical care are not treated in hospital, and do not count in the national statistics in Thailand.
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