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1941年1月4日,新四军军部和直属部队9000余人,奉命从皖南泾县云岭出发北移。6日,在茂林遭国民党顽固派7个师8万多人的包围袭击。经过7个昼夜的血战,终因弹尽粮绝,除约2000余人突围外,一部被打散,大部壮烈牺牲或被捕。军长叶挺谈判被扣,项英、袁国平、周子昆等遇难。17日,国民党军事委员会反诬新四军“叛变”,悍然宣布撤销新四军番号,扬言要把叶挺交军事法庭审判。身处重庆虎穴的周恩来得知后,顿时义愤填膺,立刻打电话给国民党军参谋总长何应钦,痛斥他说:“你们的行为,使亲者痛,仇者快。你们做了日寇想做而做不到的事。你何应钦是中华民族的千古罪人。”他满含悲愤地提笔写下了左边那震撼人心的16个宇的诗句,揭穿皖南事变的实质,表达了对国民党顽固派最强烈的抗议。 On January 4, 1941, more than 9,000 troops of the New Fourth Army and its immediate troops were ordered to depart northward from Yunling, Jingnan County, southern Anhui Province. On the 6th, they were attacked in Maolin by surrounded by more than 80,000 people from seven divisions of the Kuomintang die-hards. After seven days and nights of bloody battle, the result was that all food was exhausted. With the help of more than 2,000 troops, one was beaten up and most died in heroic sacrifices or arrests. Commander Ye Ting negotiations detained, Xiang Ying, Yuan Guoping, Zhou Kun and other victims. On the 17th, the Kuomintang military council accused the New Fourth Army of “mutiny,” and brazenly announced the withdrawal of the name of the New Fourth Army. It threatened to hand Ye T’ien to trial in a military court. Zhou Enlai, who was at the tiger’s spot in Chongqing, was immediately indignant and immediately called He Yingqin, chief of staff of the Kuomintang army, and denounced him, saying: “Your actions have made the benefactor’s pain and anger fast. He Yingqin is the eternal sinner of the Chinese nation. ”He filled with grief indignation to write down the stirring 16 verses on the left, exposing the essence of the Southern Anhui Incident and expressing the strongest contention among the Kuomintang diehards Protest.
患者男,28岁,喷漆工人.因"头痛、头晕、睡眠差、周身乏力伴发热半年"于2002年5月7日入院.患者自2001年11月开始出现头痛、头晕、睡眠差、周身乏力、皮下易有出血点,伴低热,自服"止痛药"可暂时缓解,仍坚持工作.因突发抽搐伴失语、呕吐急送我院就诊.门诊进行颅脑CT及脑电图检查未见明显异常,血常规示Hb 80g/L,RBC 2.04×1012/L,WBC1.8×109/L,PLT 42×109
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