Environmental changes in the upper-reaches of Thurumqi River in the past 10,000 years, Tianshan Moun

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ciweiqiu
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The sediments, at bore-hole T-3 in the upper reaches of the Urumqi River, are 10.7 mthick, and are composed mainly of till, slope-washed materials, solifluction and glacial-waterdeposits. The borehole can be divided into six sections based on the pollen distribution, magneticsusceptibility , δ~(13)C determinations and the diatoms distribution. There were three cold and dryperiods during the past 10.0 Ka (10~3 years): before 9.3 KaBP, from 8.1 to 5.6 KaBP and 3.0 to 1.0KaBP. The three warmer periods were from 9.3 to 8.1 KaBP, 5.6 to 3.0 KaBP and since 1.0 KaBP.The Holocene maximum was between 5.6 and 3 KaBP. However, the vegetation compositions,mainly C_3 plants, the magnetic susceptibility and the δ~(13)C were little changed in the study region inthe past 10 Ka. Indications are that the climate was relatively cold and stable during the past 10Ka. The sediments, at bore-hole T-3 in the upper reaches of the Urumqi River, are 10.7 mthick, and are composed mainly of till, slope-washed materials, solifluction and glacial-waterdeposits. The borehole can be divided into six sections based There were three cold and dryperiods during the past 10.0 Ka (10 ~ 3 years): before 9.3 KaBP, from 8.1 to 5.6 KaBP and 3.0 to 1.0 on the pollen distribution, magneticsusceptibility, δ ~ (13) C determinations and the diatoms distribution. KaBP. The three warmer periods were from 9.3 to 8.1 KaBP, 5.6 to 3.0 KaBP and from 1.0 KaBP. The Holocene maximum was between 5.6 and 3 KaBP. However, the vegetation compositions, mainly C_3 plants, the magnetic susceptibility and the δ ~ ( 13) C were little changed in the study region inthe past 10 Ka. Indications are that the climate was relatively cold and stable during the past 10Ka.
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