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民族院校外语专业人才培养应该将外语专业设置和培养方向与民族地区社会经济发展的需求相衔接,培养能够熟练运用外语为少数民族地区的经济建设、社会繁荣与稳定服务的人才。目前,应用型和复合型人才资源匮乏是制约少数民族地区发展的主要原因之一。根据当前少数民族地区外语师资、外语导游、外贸和应用翻译等专业人才数量与水平有待提高的状况,培养既能熟练运用外语和少数民族语言又具有某种专业知识的复合型人才应作为外语专业人才培养的方向。 The cultivation of foreign language professionals in ethnic colleges should link up the orientation of foreign language professional education with the needs of social and economic development in minority areas and cultivate qualified personnel who can skillfully use foreign languages ​​to serve the economic construction, social prosperity and stability of ethnic minority areas. At present, the shortage of applied and compound talents is one of the main reasons that restrict the development of ethnic minority areas. According to the current situation of the number and level of foreign language teachers, foreign language tour guides, trade and application translators and other professionals to be improved in the ethnic minority areas, it should be cultivated as a multi-lingual professional who can skillfully use both foreign languages ​​and minority languages ​​as well as some professional knowledge The direction of personnel training.
青松林场地处吉林省舒兰市东南部,所处山地属长白山余脉、张广财岭支脉,总经营面积9406公顷,其中有林地面积8847公顷,森林覆盖率94.12%,活立木总蓄积89万立方 Qingsong Fore
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介绍了贯通式潜孔锤气力喷反钻具系统的工作原理、结构设计、钻具特点及测试和生产试验情况。 The working principle, structure design, characteristics of drilling too