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在数学教学中,从现实来看,我们还没有完全摆脱应试教育的限制,但在“应试”教育这个镣铐下,我们如何把“舞”跳的更精彩则是老师思考的问题。我们不能让教师自己教得辛苦,学生感觉学得累,最后只会循规蹈矩地解题,分析和解决问题的能力相当低下,更谈不上发挥自己的创造性。因此,笔者觉得数学教学中培养和提高学生分析和解决问题的能力则有利于学生数学学习的兴趣培养,有利于学生个性的发展。在数学教学中如何培养和提高学生分析和解决问题的能力,笔者结合教学谈几点看法。 In mathematics teaching, from the realistic point of view, we have not completely got rid of the limitations of examination-oriented education. However, under the shackles of “test-oriented ” education, how can we dance more wonderful? . We can not allow teachers to teach themselves hardworking. Students feel tired of learning. In the end, they can only solve problems in a disciplined manner. Their ability to analyze and solve problems is quite low, let alone exert their creativity. Therefore, I think that the ability to train and improve students’ ability to analyze and solve problems in mathematics teaching is conducive to students’ interest in mathematics learning and to the development of students’ personality. In mathematics teaching how to train and improve the ability of students to analyze and solve problems, the author talk about teaching a few comments.
A novel electrochemiluminescence (ECL) sensing approach was developed for glucose detection based on crosslinking Ru(bpy)3Cl2-doped silica nanoparticles (RuSiNP
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30年来,全国小语会在中国教育学会的正确领导下,一直站在基础教育改革的潮头,团结全国小学语文教师、教研员和其他语文教育工作者,开展语文教育学术研讨,进行语文教学改革 I
摘要:后进生是一个特殊的群体,教师要认识到他们是可以转化的,对后进生要充满爱心,充分尊重他们的人格,架起一座与之心灵相通的桥梁,帮助他们树立信心,使他们自觉做到自尊、自爱、自我控制,最终达到自我教育、自我管理,实现自我价值的目的。  关键词:后进生;心理特征;转化策略  中图分类号:G456文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)02-007-2  霍母林斯基说:“教师技巧的全部奥
A new method to fabricate metal/conducting polymer composite nanowires is presented by taking silver/polypyrrole composite nanowires as an example.A silver(Ⅰ)-