The construction management system and practice of Three Gorges Project

来源 :Engineering Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wang840911
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Three Gorges Project (TGP),the largest water resources and hydropower project in the world with huge scale and complex techniques,has great comprehensive benefits mainly in flood control,power generation and navigation improvement.Through 17-year construction and practice,the project has been successfully completed.Some valuable experience from the successful construction of TGP has been gained for the management system and mechanism of hydropower project construction in China.Its construction management mode produces important influences on the management system of domestic capital construction.With combination of the construction management practice of TGP,the characteristics of management system and mechanism are summarized,and the suggestions on current hydropower development system and construction management mode are put forward. Three Gorges Project (TGP), the largest water resources and hydropower project in the world with huge scale and complex techniques, has great comprehensive benefits mainly in flood control, power generation and navigation improvement. Through 17-year construction and practice, the project has been successfully completed.Some valuable experience from the successful construction of TGP has been gained for the management system and mechanism of hydropower project construction in China .Its construction management mode produces important influences on the management system of domestic capital construction .With combination of the construction management practice of TGP, the characteristics of management system and mechanism are summarized, and the suggestions on current hydropower development system and construction management mode are forward.
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