Biological function of HIV-1 transmembrane protein gp41──A study on a putative cellular receptor of

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Since 1992, the study of biological functions of HIV-1 gp41 has made great progress. Experimental evidence from several research groups demonstrated that gp41 has a putative cellular receptor. A recombinant soluble gp41 (aa539-684) and gp41 immunosuppressive peptide (aa583-599) could bind to human B lymphocytes and monocytes, but weakly bind to T lymphocytes. It was found that gp41 contains two cellular binding sites (aa583-599 and 641-675). GP41 could selectively inhibit cell proliferation of human T, B lymphocytes and monocytes, enhance human MHC class Ⅰ, Ⅱ and ICAM-1 molecule expression on cell surface. Gp41 binding proteins and a monoclonal antibody against the first binding site could inhibit this modulation effect. Amino acid sequence homology exists between gp41 and human type Ⅰ interferons, and the homologous region is located in the first binding site on gp41 and in the receptor binding site on type Ⅰ interferons. Studies in other groups indicate that both binding sites in gp41 may be associated with HIV infection of cells. Peptides containing two binding sites could respectively inhibit HIV infection of cells. A monoclonal antibody recognizing the second binding site could neutralize lab-strains and recently separated strains of HIV-1. Besides, antibodies against two regions (homologous with gp41 binding sites) of SIV transmembrane protein gp32 could protect macaques from SIV infection. These results suggest that the study of gp41 binding sites and cellular receptor could contribute to understanding the mechanism of HIV infection and to developing HIV vaccine and anti-HIV drugs. Since 1992, the study of biological functions of HIV-1 gp41 has made great progress. Experimental evidence from several research groups that that gp41 has a putative cellular receptor. A recombinant soluble gp41 (aa539-684) and gp41 immunosuppressive peptide (aa583-599 ) could bind to human B lymphocytes and monocytes, but weakly bind to T lymphocytes. It was found that gp41 contains two cellular binding sites (aa583-599 and 641-675). GP41 could inhibit inhibitory cell proliferation of human T, B lymphocytes and monocytes, enhance human MHC class I, II and ICAM-1 molecule expression on cell surface. Gp41 binding proteins and a monoclonal antibody against the first binding site could inhibit this modulation effect. Amino acid sequence homology exists between gp41 and human type I interferons, and the homologous region is located in the first binding site on gp41 and in the receptor binding site on type I interferons. Studies in other groups indicate that both binding site Peptides containing two binding sites could respectively inhibit HIV infection of cells. A monoclonal antibody recognizing the second binding site could be neutralize lab-strains and recently separated strains of HIV-1. Besides, antibodies These results suggest that the study of gp41 binding sites and cellular receptor could contribute to understanding the mechanism of HIV infection and to developing HIV vaccine and anti-HIV drugs.
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