Jin Xing-Choreographer Extr aordinaire

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CHOREOGRAPHER Jin Xing is famous in China for more than her professional talents. She was once u he. When in the early 1990s the star was making waves among Chinese dance circles, Jin shocked the nation by having a sex change. Though this was then regarded as unacceptable or even immoral to most Chinese. Jin undauntedly proceeded with her career. She founded the Jin Xing Modern Dance Theater, the only private dancing troupe in China. Last March the controversial but nonetheless successful artist found herself in the limelight once again when she hosted Shanghai Dance 2006, the international dance festival that she describes as a “physical interpretation of culture.” During the festival, she and her company presented their latest act, Shanghai Beauty. When was the early 1990s the star was making waves among Chinese dance circles, Jin shocked the nation by having a sex change. Though this was created by have a sex change. She founded the Jin Xing Modern Dance Theater, the only private dancing troupe in China. Last March the controversial but nonetheless successful artist found herself in the limelight once again when she hosted Shanghai Dance 2006, the international dance festival that she describes as a “physical interpretation of culture. ” During the festival, she and her company presented their latest act, Shanghai Beauty.
我带着拯救人类健康的义务来到这个世界上,衣食住行都受惠于老百姓的汗水。不管别人怎样评价我今天的行为,我都将矢志不渝地把一生中最宝贵的时光奉献给祖国的中藏医学结合的临床实践,并把能为病患者解除痛苦当成我这一生最大的安慰和幸福。  ——齐母·洛桑旦增    雪莲花,学名雪兔子,又名雪莲、雪荷花等,生长在海拔4200米一5350米的高山雪线之上。在冰天雪地之间,在悬崖峭壁之上,雪莲花傲然绽放,用美丽的身