On the Translation Methods of Biblical Idioms

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  【Abstract】Biblical idioms are widely used in daily communication in English-speaking countries. In order to prevent cross-cultural communication barriers, it is important for non-native English speakers to understand the background information of biblical idioms, such as religious stories. Biblical idioms can be classified into two categories: phrases originated from Christian stories and quotations extracted from the Bible. Different biblical idioms requires different translation methods. Three main translation methods, literal translation, free translation, and corresponding translation, are discussed in this paper with detailed case analysis. The three translation methods have their own advantages and are applied in different circumstances.
  【Key words】biblical idioms; literal translation; free translation; corresponding translation
  Christianity has profound impact on the western world in many fields, including politics, education, economy and culture. Christians think of the Bible as an authoritative document of the relationship between God and humans. Among the several different versions of the Bible, the King James Bible (KJB) has an enormous influence on the development of the English language. Besides Shakespeare’s works, the King James Bible is the most common source of expressions in English. Many religious expressions are also known as biblical idioms. Given that the biblical idioms are widely used in English, it is important for the non-native speakers of English to understand the religious background of the idioms. With the thriving tourism and prosperous economy, many businessmen from western countries come to China to strengthen trade relations and foreign tourists to visit scenic spots and historic sites. Meanwhile, there is a growing demand among Chinese to travel abroad. Therefore, a large number of Chinese has a great enthusiasm for English learning. However, many English learners pay great attention to linguistic knowledge and rarely notice the cultural background. During the learning process, they merely focus on grammar and vocabulary, ignoring the cultural factors. As a matter of fact, the cultural context can not only help English learners further understand the meaning of the expressions, but also avoid intercultural communication barriers. In light of the evident distinction between Chinese and English, the appropriate translation methods are necessary for English learners to deliver the deep implication of biblical idioms from English to Chinese.   1. The classification of biblical idioms
  In western countries, the knowledge of the Bible is important for people to appreciate history, literature, arts, culture and politics. The Bible is frequently quoted in various kinds of literature works. Many Christian stories have been passed down to generations and eventually become the idioms. There are more than two hundred phrases from the King James Bible in contemporary English idiom. Considering the widespread use of biblical idioms in daily communication, English learners should search for the source of the biblical phrases in the Bible in order to fully understand and properly use these phrases.
  According to Ping Hong and Zhang Guoyang, biblical idioms can be classified into two categories: (1) The idioms are involved with Christian figures and stories, such as “at the eleventh hour” and “doubting Thomas”. “At the eleventh hour” means “at the latest possible” and in the Bible it “referred to Jesus’s parable of the labourers hired right at the end of the day to work in the vineyard” (Siefring, 93). “A doubting Thomas” is a skeptic “who refuses to believe something without having incontrovertibe proof” (Siefring, 84). In the Bible, it originally refers to the apostle Thomas who refused to believe that Jesus had resurrected until he could see and touch his wounds. (2) The sentences and phrases are directly extracted from the Bible, later being accepted as idioms, for instance, “all things to all men” and “cast one’s bread upon the waters”. “All things to all men” is originated from “I am made all things to all men” (1st Corinthians 9:22). This phrase means that someone tries to please everyone, typically by regularly changing his/her behavior or opinions in order to cohere with those of others. “Cast one’s bread upon the waters” is derived from “Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days” (Ecclesiastes 11:1). This expression implies that one does “good without expecting gratitude or immediate reward” (Siefring, 37).
  2. The main translation methods of biblical idioms
  The cultural messages embedded in the biblical idioms are essential for target readers to fully understand the source text. In Venuti’s opinion, the translator’ status, compared to that of the author of the ST, should be undetectable (6). In translation practice, translators should adopt different translation methods to minimize the translation trace. There are three main translation methods being discussed as follow, literal translation, free translation and corresponding translation. Each translation method is accompanied with several examples to analysis the translation process.   2.1 Literal translation
  In A Textbook of Translation, Literal translation is defined as “the SL grammatical constructions are converted to their nearest target language equivalents but the lexical words are again translated singly, out of context”(Newmark 47). Literal translation, also known as free translation, intends to preserve the lexical meaning and rhetorical devices of the the source text. For many centuries, translators have tried their best to deliver target texts conforming with the source text in terms of contextual content and text structure. In fact, all languages have the potential to communicate the relevant content of any message because “ all languages are at least 90 per cent structurally similar guarantees the potential for effective interlingual communication” (Baker
江湖是什么颜色?恐怕很少有人能回答得出来。赤红的是血,雪亮的是剑,黝黑的是大盗们彪悍的脸,洁白的是侠客们飘逸的衣。精彩固然精彩,只是这幅画卷中,红粉色太弱,刀兵色太盛,看久了未免有些累人眼睛。毕竟无情未必真豪杰,英雄难过美人关。于是各路侠女魔女也要拿着十八般兵器,在江湖中抹下嫣然的一笔。她们以什么样的面貌出现在这血冷刀寒的江湖之中呢?那一抹嫣红,又在这沉沉如铁的画卷中占有怎样的分量?    冷风如
【摘要】随着信息技术的日益发展,高中英语教学过程中利用信息化教学手段较为常见。信息化教学手段下能够广泛提高高中学生学习英语的兴趣,与此同时创造良好的课堂氛围,加深学生对英语相关知识点的印象,最终显著提高英语学习水平。但是,由于信息化教学手段应用时间不长,相关教育教学手段不够完善,因此也出现了诸多问题。本文笔者将分析高中英语教学课堂中应用信息化教学手段的重要作用以及所面临的问题等。  【关键词】信息
一、前言  自主学习是当代素质教育提倡的让学生掌握的一种学习能力。它对于每个学生来说有着重要的意义。传统的英语课堂教学过于强调英语教师的作用而忽视了学生的能动作用,灌输式的学习方式在一定程度上会让学生产生一定的抵触心理。  自主学习方式是将学生放在英语课堂的中心位置,学生是课堂的主角,让学生积极的主动的来学习英语。整个课堂流程,我是这样设计的:让学生根据自己的实际情况确定一个学习的目标,然后再制定
【摘要】虽然高中英语改错题的篇幅短小,但是却能够全方位考察我们对句子、短语、单词的掌握情况,要在改错题中得到高分,既要掌握语法结构、上下文关联度、词汇意义,还要掌握正确的做题方法。本文阐述了高中英语改错题的考察重点,并针对高中英语改错得分的提高方式进行总结与分析。  【关键词】高中英语;改错题;考察重点;提分方式  【作者简介】姜孟炎,长沙市明德中学。  短文改错是高考英语考察的重点题型,在高考改
1964年,时任国家计委第一副主任的程子华奉周恩来总理之命,率领中央有关部委负责同志组成的联合调查组赴大西南三线建设现场进行调查研究,以确定拟建中的工厂厂址。我作为程子华的秘书,也一同前往。在程子华的带领下,调查组走遍了西南三省,对三线建设进行实地调研,从而为三线建设后续工作的顺利开展奠定了扎实的基础。    接受命令,组建联合调查组    1958年3月,中共中央在成都召开政治局扩大会议,毛主席
【摘要】本文主要分析了高职公共英语混合式教学中的课程思政。首先,分析出当前高职公共英语混合式教学中存在过于重视英语成绩、忽略文化输出培养及学习动机比较功利的问题;其次,通过充分挖掘课程思政素材、加强教学模式的创新、开发混合式教学功能三条途径,充分发挥出英语学科的育人功能与价值,实现英语知识与课程思政的育人协同效应。  【关键词】 高职公共英语;混合式教学;课程思政  【作者简介】王丽萍,眉山职业技
【摘要】全球经济一体化形势下,英语的需求在中职生就业中日渐增长,同时中职生也面临着学业水平考试的挑战,但是在现阶段,中职学生的英语基础较为薄弱,学习动力不足,学习状态差,英语教学往往处于尴尬的境地。鉴于此,笔者根据多年的教学经验,针对中职英语教学现状进行分析并提出走出尴尬的办法,以供同行共同商榷。  【关键词】中职学校;英语教学;尴尬;解决办法  【作者简介】王爱党,泉州工商旅游职业中专学校。