
来源 :地理科学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bjzcha
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最近,自然地理学家的注意力又重新转移到对自然地理区划原则的研究上来了。这是很自然的,因为对这个问题的见解尚未取得一致,而这个问题的解决对自然地理学的进一步发展有着重大的意义。苏联地理学会莫斯科分会于1951年曾 Recently, the attention of natural geographers has shifted back to the study of the principles of natural geographic division. This is quite natural because there is no consensus on this issue, and the resolution of this issue is of great significance to the further development of natural geography. Soviet branch of the Soviet Union in 1951
In liquid–liquid systems, the substrates in the liquids are inaccessible to each other for the reaction. By adding a small quantity of phase transfer catalyst,
To improve the dispersion of silica in polypropylene(PP) matrix and to avoid physical loss of the antioxidants, nanosilica with dendric polyamidoamines on the s
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[Objective] To research the extraction technology of melanin from the episperm of Mucuna prurients(L.) by microwave-assisted alkaline extraction and acid precip
[Objective]To identify the microscopic characteristics of Salvia deserta Schang.[Method]S.deserta was made into paraffin,surface,dissociation and powder slices.
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Solamargine,(25R)-3-{O-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1 2)-[O-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1 4)]-D-glucopyranosyloxy}-22-Nspirosol-5-ene,isolated from the berries of solanum aculeast