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根据SGA3722矿用汽车设计要求和特点,以齿轮模数、齿数、齿宽等24个参数为设计变量,以变速器中心距之和最小为优化目标函数,从中心距约束、模数限制、齿宽限制、小齿不发生根切限制、传动系最大传动比限制、变速器使用性能限制、齿面接触疲劳强度的可靠性约束、齿根弯曲疲劳强度的可靠性约束、齿轮间不干涉约束、齿轮与轴不干涉约束等10个方面创建58个约束条件,建立了变速器的优化设计数学模型。并利用MATLAB优化工具的fmincon函数编写了变速器的优化程序进行了快速优化设计,既简化了计算过程,又提高了设计的效率和可靠性。与原设计方案相比,优化设计后的变速器中心距之和比原设计减小6.069%,获得了良好的优化效果。 According to the design requirements and characteristics of SGA3722 mining vehicle, 24 parameters such as gear modulus, tooth number, tooth width and so on are taken as design variables. The objective function is to minimize the center distance of the transmission. From the center distance constraint, modulus limit, Limit, gear does not occur undercut limit, the maximum transmission ratio limit, transmission performance constraints, tooth surface contact fatigue strength reliability constraints, reliability of tooth root bending fatigue strength constraints, non-interference constraints between gears, gear and Axis interference constraints and other 10 aspects to create 58 constraints, the establishment of a mathematical model of optimal transmission design. The optimized program of transmission was programmed by using fmincon function of MATLAB optimization tool to optimize the design quickly, which not only simplified the calculation process but also improved the efficiency and reliability of the design. Compared with the original design, the optimized center distance of the transmission after transmission design is reduced by 6.069% compared with the original design, and a good optimization result is obtained.
图集号  图别  图集名称  主编单位rn00G101  标准图  混凝土结核季工图平面整体表示方法制图规则和构造详图  山东省建筑设计院 中国建筑标准设计研究所