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曾几何时,“教父”柳传志的指点江山总被业界哄传不己;曾几何时,“少帅”杨元庆的激扬文字皆为志者反复吟唱。他们代表光荣与梦想.成为旗帜与方向。然而.突如其来的裁员风暴刮走了横亘在企业与公众之间的七彩光环.还原给大家一个雄心犹在却已伤痕累累的真实联想。比之于三星转型的漫长与艰巨,人们有理由问责联想的战略退缩;比之于朗讯裁员的人性与温情.人们有理由质疑联想的推诿粗暴。是机会主义豪赌还是战略再造?是核心竞争力的弱化还是创新的阵痛?联想有没有失去“联想”?方向与出路何在?联想与跨国公司的差距在哪里?裁员的背后。到底昭示了怎样的企业生态与文化?社会环境和体制应该承担何种责任?本文的视角和高度.能够引起读者在这几个问题上的深深思索。——编者 Once upon a time, “Godfather ” Liu Chuanzhi's pointing Jiangshan always be the industry to coax; not long ago, “less handsome ” Yang Yuanqing's motivational writing are all chanting repeated. They represent glory and dreams and become flags and directions. However, the unexpected layoff storm scrape away the colorful rings that lie between the company and the public, restoring a real association that has been ambitious and yet scarred. Compared to the long and arduous transformation of Samsung, people have reason to think that the strategy of accountability flinching; compared to the human nature and warmth of the job loss of Lucent.People have reason to question the push of Lenovo. Is the opportunistic gamble or strategic recycling? Is the weakening of the core competitiveness or the throes of innovation? Lenovo has lost “Lenovo ”? The direction and the way out? Lenovo and multinational corporations where the gap? Layoffs behind. In the end what kind of corporate ecology and culture is revealed? What kind of responsibility should the social environment and system bear? The perspective and height of this article can arouse readers' deep thinking on these issues. --editor
这个项目源于一次设计邀请赛,在比赛中,墨菲/扬获得了一等奖和二等奖。建筑的设计经过了一系列的模型推敲,最终才形成获奖方案的形式,方案融入了周边Parkstadt Schwabing的既
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