
来源 :诗潮 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:whitewolfwv7
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为一组好诗鼓掌小米发在2006年《诗潮》9~10月号上的一组诗,真好。共九首,限于篇幅,今天只说其中的两首。在说诗之前,请先让我们一起对《诗潮》杂志编发这组稿子的责任编辑由衷地鼓一下掌。因为,编辑识货,是“真编诗”和“编真诗”者,这掌声先送给他,委实天经地义。对于诗人小米,我知之甚少。只知道,他近几年曾连续在中国作家协会创研部选编的《中国诗歌精 A group of good poem applause Xiaomi made a series of poems on the September - October issue of “Poetic Tide” in 2006, which is really good. A total of nine, due to space limitations, only two of them today. Before talking about poetry, let’s start by earnestly drumming up the responsible editors of this edition of Poetry. Because, edit the goods, is “really compiled poems ” and “compilation of real poems ”, this applause gave him, really justified. I do not know much about the poet Xiaomi. Only know that in recent years he has consecutive years in the Chinese Writers Association for Research Department selected "Chinese Poetry
Urolithaisis is becoming an ever increasing urological,nephrological and primary care problem.With a lifetime prevalence approaching 10% and increasing morbidit
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AIM: To analyze the impact of steroid maintenance on the outcomes in kidney transplant recipients stratified by induction agent received.METHODS: Patients who u
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摘 要:本文针对学生在高考政治主观题答题过程中体现出的困难,讨论了解决这一困难的两种有效方法:激发兴趣、掌握方法。  关键词:政治主观题;技巧训练;方法指导  中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)04-090-1  在平时的教学中,我们发现,学生比较喜欢去做客观题,但由于文字量大、思维要求高,对于政治主观题,学生不太乐意去做,所以一到大型考试时就会感到心里