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日前的天津市卫生工作会议传出消息:今年,天津卫生系统惩处医务人员收受“红包”、“回扣”行为将动真格的。凡在医疗服务中收受“红包”、“回扣”的医务人员,一经发现即责令下岗,并依据《中华人民共和国执业医师法》的有关规定,视情节轻重给予警告、责令暂停六个月以上、一年以下执业活动,吊销其执业证书;构成犯罪的,移送司法机关依法追究刑事责任。 A few days ago in the Tianjin Sanitation Work Conference, a message came out: This year, the Tianjin Health System punished medical personnel for accepting “red envelopes” and “rebates” behaviors that would be real. Any medical personnel who receive “red envelopes” or “rebates” in medical services shall be ordered to be laid off as soon as they are discovered. According to the relevant provisions of the “Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Practice of Doctors of Medicine”, warnings will be given according to the severity of the circumstances and the order shall be suspended for more than six months. If one commits one year or less of practicing activities, its practice certificate shall be revoked; if it constitutes a crime, it shall be transferred to judicial organs for investigation of criminal responsibility according to law.
Chile is the first country to establish cooperative relations with China in South America, and also the first one to support China’s accession to the World Tra
据悉 ,泰州市第四人民医院目前正在积极寻求发展 ,在提高本院医务人员自身素质的同时 ,也有与外界合作的意。该院眼科设备齐全 (投入达 40 0万元 ) ,员工有 8人(其中 ,副主
  本刊讯(通讯员蔡毅锋) 2003年国家博士后科研流动站评审工作揭晓,我院心血管研究所临床医学榜上有名,我院首个国家博士后流动站即将诞生。这次建站是对我院临床医学水平
随着建材行业步入终端决胜的阶段,对建材专卖店而言,该如何设置产品展示系统,最大限度地提升导购力呢? With the building materials industry into the terminal decisive
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。桂州医院 Please download and view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Guizhou Hospital
据《自然》周刊报道,随着泛欧高增长公司股票市场的开放,欧洲百万富翁科学家也将成为寻常。 类似于美国的NASDAQ(全国证券商协会自动化行情行情系统),欧洲也希望复制美国的