A single—sex school or a mixed school?

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  【Abstract】 Recently, people discuss more about the private schools teaching only girls or only boys. Through an analysis of advantages and disadvantages, the writer thinks that a mixed school is better for girls and boys. It means real, fair, and possible.
  【Key Words】 single-sex school suitability possibility
  I. Introduction
  Girl schools` popularity has risen these years. Some people believe that these single-sex schools are fairer than the mixed schools, and students can learn better in them. In my opinion, it is not a good idea, because students from a single-sex school will not learn some important abilities, and they will lose many possibilities.
  II. Comparison between a single-sex school and a mixed school
  The single-sex schools provide an artificial world. If a girl from a single-sex school, with a high school grade enters society, will be as successful as she supposed to be? Students graduated from a single-sex school will face a hard question: how to interact with another sex. Males and females live in the same world, and they have to work together, and build family. If a person is not good at making contact with others, how can he or she live normally on the world? It is far better for everyone need to interact with each other, to know how to form a proper relationship later on in life, they should gotten to practice since student ages.
  Studying in a single-sex school does not mean fairness or suitability. In a mixed school, all students study the same subjects, and they include almost areas, and share similar importance. However, if boys and girls are divided into different schools and study specially designed subjects for their own sexes, those boys who are good at girls` subjects or girls who are good at boys` subject will lose their advantages; that will, in fact, hurt their study.
  The most important one is students will lose many possibilities in a single-sex school. There are many exciting possibilities in school ages, and many of them will not exist in a single-sex school. A mixed school can develop well. students study and work together, shareing their ideas and advantages, and improve themselves by learning from another sex. Activities include both sexes will be the most interesting. Also students from different sexes with the same dream work together especially well, and can create a great possibility. However, they can do none of those in a single-sex school, they can not even find somebody to like (well as most of us).
  III. Conclusion
  Some scientific evidence demonstrates that brain and behavioral function is smaller differences between boys and girls. For most people, any way, it is a better choice to study in a mixed school.
  Riordan, C.H.Girls and Boys in Schools: Together or Separate? 1990.
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