Implementation of Texture Based Image Retrieval Using M-band Wavelet Transform

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wujingtao
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Wavelet transform has attracted attention because it is a very useful tool for signal analyzing. As a fundamental characteristic of an image, texture traits play an important role in the human vision system for recognition and interpretation of images. The paper presents an approach to implement texture-based image retrieval using M-band wavelet transform. Firstly the traditional 2-band wavelet is extended to M-band wavelet transform. Then the wavelet moments are computed by M-band wavelet coefficients in the wavelet domain. The set of wavelet moments forms the feature vector related to the texture distribution of each wavelet images. The distances between the feature vectors describe the similarities of different images. The experimental result shows that the M-band wavelet moment features of the images are effective for image indexing. The retrieval method has lower computational complexity, yet it is capable of giving better retrieval performance for a given medical image database. Wavelet transform did attracted attention because it is a very useful tool for signal analyzing. As a fundamental characteristic of an image, texture traits play an important role in the human vision system for recognition and interpretation of images. -based image retrieval using M-band wavelet transform. The traditional 2-band wavelet is extended to M-band wavelet transform. Then the wavelet moments are computed by M-band wavelet coefficients in the wavelet domain. The set of wavelet moments forms The feature vector related to the texture distribution of each wavelet images. The distances between the feature vectors describe the similarities of different images. The experimental result shows that the M-band wavelet moment features of the images are effective for image indexing. The retrieval method has lower computational complexity, yet it is capable of giving better retrieval performance for a given medical image database.
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