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就像商店越来越注重装修门面一样,女人们对修饰自己的脸孔越来越看重了。不论你走到哪个女人的梳妆台前,总能轻而易举地找出装着这个霜那个露的瓶瓶罐罐。而生产化妆品的厂家也真摸透了女人们的心思,化妆品、护肤品门类越分越(?)一张脸孔上每一个部分都有好几种专用化妆品来对付它,例如眼睛就有眼影、眼线、睫毛油、眉笔……而且,眼影之五颜六色足够画家画一张五彩缤纷的春的大草原了。也还有人觉得自己的“店面”先天不足,于是在脸上开展“希望工程”,这儿挖个坑,那儿开条沟,这边垫高些,那边扯平些,那份勇敢真叫人佩服。我虽然也属于先天不足之列,但却不敢轻易掺乎。一来因为我特别怕疼,平日里稍有点头疼脑热的就要叫得震天响,这脸孔是肉做的,在上面动刀动剪的岂不很痛,且又是自讨苦吃,再吃也没人同情的;二来我怕碰上个技术不高明的,偷鸡不成蚀把 As shops are paying more and more attention to decorating their facades, women are getting more and more value in grooming their faces. No matter which woman you go to the dresser, you can always find out the bottle of frost with that frost. The production of cosmetics manufacturers really touched women’s minds, cosmetics, skin care products more sub-category (?) A face on each part there are several special cosmetics to deal with it, for example, eye shadow , Eyeliner, mascara, eyebrow pencil ... And, eye shadow colorful enough painter to draw a colorful prairie of the spring. Some people also think their own “storefront” inherent deficiencies, so in the face to carry out “Hope Project”, dig a hole here, where to open ditches, here pad higher, over there some peace, brave enough to admire . Although I belong to the inherent deficiencies, but I dare not easily mixed. One because I am particularly afraid of pain, usually a little nostrils headache brain heat will be called the shaking of the day, this face is made of meat, not only in the above moving the knife cut it not painful, No one sympathetic to eat; second, I am afraid to run into a technology is not clever, stealing chicken is not eclipsed
它使你穿着得体而花钱又少,购进一套好比增加百套。“人想衣裳花想容”爱美的女性谁都希望自己的服饰光彩照人,给生活增添情 It allows you to wear decent and spend less,
巧存油漆用剩的油漆,为使其不变干变硬,可将其装入无破损的塑料袋里,袋外再套一层塑料袋,放人水桶里,用重物压住,不使其浮起即可。巧存油漆... Clever storage of paint left in u
皮克斯很小就失去了双亲,没人管的他成了小偷,由于偷技差,他经常被抓进监狱。自从认识师傅迈克后,他的偷技便大大提高了,再也没被抓住过。 Pixar lost his parents when he
除了脸面外,手也是最受人关注的,所以说手是女人的第二张脸,而手上最人注目的是指甲。健美的指甲从哪里来?作为一个 In addition to the face, the hand is the most concern
{给式耀款溢兹奏藏舞争一车溉 一__不-硫群撇「踞尹罗混象鱿添极狱寻({娜裁概产公右熟喝润.}日杀引引侧引川川引引引阳川川引州引引新潮发型@马建新 {To give the type of g
“你是电,你是光,你是唯一的神话,我只爱你,you are my superstar。”这就是乔布斯之于苹果。星光总会暗淡,英雄总要迟暮,在创始人和拯救者乔布斯之后,苹果的成功靠谁延续?乔