
来源 :公共卫生与预防医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:randygu
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目的评估《广州市控制吸烟条例》(简称条例)实施效果。方法采用分层多阶段整群抽样的方法建立研究队列,以面对面问卷调查的方式进行3次随访调查。采用χ~2检验比较条例实施前后调查对象的人口学特征、公共场所吸烟状况、烟草广告及促销活动和媒体宣传与大众反应等方面的情况。结果能正确掌握公共场所禁烟规定的比例较低;公共场所劝阻吸烟的比例较小;烟草广告及推销活动和媒体中吸烟镜头出现的比例虽然有下降趋势但依然常见;媒体禁烟信息出现的比例有增加的趋势;大多数的调查对象认为各种形式控烟宣传有一定社会效应,希望在公共场所室内全面禁烟。结论条例实施后控烟确有一定效果,但是条例修正后,控烟效果进一步的提升效果有限。 Objective To evaluate the implementation effect of the “Regulations on the Control of Smoking in Guangzhou City” (the “Regulations”). Methods A stratified multi-stage cluster sampling method was used to establish a research cohort and three follow-up surveys were conducted by face-to-face questionnaires. The χ ~ 2 test was used to compare the demographic characteristics of the survey subjects before and after the implementation of the Regulations, smoking status in public places, tobacco advertisements and promotions, media campaigns and public reactions. As a result, the proportion of non-smoking regulations in public places can be correctly controlled; the proportion of smoking discouraged in public places is relatively small; the proportions of tobacco advertising and promotion activities and smoking in the media are still decreasing; however, The majority of respondents believe that various forms of tobacco control publicity have a certain social effect and hope that smoking will be banned indoors in public places. Conclusion After the implementation of the regulations, the control of tobacco does have some effect, but after the regulation is amended, the effect of tobacco control will be further enhanced.
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没有政治常识,没有经济素养,不研究企业管理科学,不琢磨国家发展趋势,你还活得下去吗?如果是那样,那可就真正是活在一场镜花水月之中了 Without political common sense, no
The title new compounds with chemical formula RNixBi2 were synthesized by arc melting method followed by annealing. The crystal structures refined by using Riet