Inhibitory activity of polysaccharide extracts from three kinds of edible fungi on proliferation of

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cnforyou2009
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AIM To determine the activities ofpolysaccharide extracts from Flammulina velutipes (Curt. ex Fr. ) Sing (FV), Lentinusedodes (LE) and Agaricus bisporus Sing (AB)on the proliferation of human hepatoma SMMC-7721 cells in vitro and on mouse implanted S-180tumors in vivo.METHODS The polysaccharide extracts were isolated from the fruit bodies of FV, LE and AB by the methods of hot-water extraction, Sevag’sremoval of proteins, ethanol precipitation,trypsin digestion and ethanol fractionalprecipitation. Human hepatoma SMMC-7721 cells were treated with 50 mg/L Polysaccharide extracts, and the mitosis index, mitochondria activity and cell proliferation were detected at different times in both control and experimental groups. The mice with S-180 implanted tumors were injected with the polysaccharide extracts at 24 mg/ kg body weight for 9 d and the tumorweight was measured on the 15th day.RESULTS The mitosis index of hepatoma cells in vitro could be significantly decreased by treatment with the polysaccharide extracts fromthe three kinds of edible fungi (P < 0 .005 ). Thecell numbers and mitochondria activity of SMMC7721 cells treated with polysaccharide extracts were lower than those in control groups (P <0.005). The inhibition rates of polysaccharide extracts against implanted S-180 tumors in mice were 52.8%, 56.6% and 51 .9% respectivelycompared with that in c0ntrol gr0ups.CONCLUSI0N The POIysaccharide extractsfrom the three kinds of edible fungi could inhibitnot only the Cultured malignant cells in vitfO butalso impIanted Sl80 tum0r i0 vivo. AIM To determine the activities ofpolysaccharide extracts from Flammulina velutipes (Curt. ex Fr. ) Sing (FV), Lentinusedodes (LE) and Agaricus bisporus Sing (AB)on the proliferation of human hepatoma SMMC-7721 cells in vitro and on mouse implanted S -180tumors in vivo.METHODS The polysaccharide extracts were isolated from the fruit bodies of FV, LE and AB by the methods of hot-water extraction, Sevag’sremoval of proteins, ethanol precipitation, trypsin digestion and ethanol fractional precipitation. Human hepatoma SMMC-7721 Cells were treated with 50 mg/L Polysaccharide extracts, and the mitosis index, mitochondria activity and cell proliferation were detected at different times in both control and experimental groups. The mice with S-180 implanted tumors were injected with the polysaccharide extracts at 24 mg Kg kg body weight for 9 d and the tumorweight was measured on the 15th day.RESULTS The mitosis index of hepatoma cells in vitro could be significantly decreased by treatment with th e polysaccharide extracts from the three kinds of edible fungi (P < 0 .005 ). Thecell rates and mitochondria activity of SMMC7721 cells treated with polysaccharide extracts were lower than those in control groups (P <0.005). The inhibition rates of polysaccharide extracts against implanted S-180 tumors in mice were 52.8%, 56.6% and 51.9% respectivelycompared with that in c0ntrol gr0ups.CONCLUSI0N The POIysaccharide extracts from the three kinds of edible fungi could inhibit not only the Cultured malignant cells in vitfO butalso impIanted Sl80 tum0r i0 vivo.
【摘要】随着幼儿游戏化的进程持续推进,游戏已经渐渐成为了幼儿园一道亮丽的风景,游戏作为孩子成长的载体,逐渐为广大家长和师幼所接受,怎样才能让游戏更好地为幼儿成长服务呢?结合平时的观察和思考,有效推进幼儿游戏的要素主要有:1.计划,2.材料,3.规则,4.助推和评价!  【关键词】幼儿游戏 计划 材料 规则 助推评价  【中图分类号】G61【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2017)
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