
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sxyzx
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Objective.Parietal endometriosis is an uncommon pathology. It can occur on all the scars, most often after a surgical procedure with hysterotomy. Surgical scar endometriosis following caesarean section has an incidence of 0.03 to 0.4% . Patients and methods.- This retrospective study reviewed all the cases of parietal endometriosis seen during a 7- year period in the department of visceral surgery of the Armentiè re’ s hospital center. A pathological analysis has confirmed each lesion retained. Results.- 15 women were treated during this period. The mean age is 32 years. All the women have one or two antecedents of caesarean with Pfannenstiel’ s laparotomy. The interval between the caesarean and the appearance of the first symptoms is on average of 5 years and 11 months. Only 66.6% of cases presented the classical symptoms with cyclic pain. For 66.6% of patients, the diagnosis of parietal endometriosis was suspected before the treatment. The treatment is a surgical one with exeresis for all the women. In 13.3% of the cases, the lesion is pre aponeurotic. In 46.6% of the cases, it overgrows the rectus abdominis muscle, in 33.3% of the cases the external abdominal oblique and at last a lesion overgrows the transversus abdominis and one is in an inguinal localization. The mean size of lesions is 2.48 cm. We have not notified complications and no recurrence was noted. Discussion and conclusion.- The local endometrial cell transplant is the most likely mechanism to explain the physiopathology of parietal endometriosis. The classical symptoms associate a painful swelling and cyclic pain related to the menstrual period, but all of these symptoms are not always associated. The contribution to the diagnosis of the imaging studies is weak. The surgical treatment has to be sufficiently wide to avoid all recurrence. No means of prevention has proved its efficiency. In 26.6% of cases the parietal endometriosis is associated to pelvic endometriosis. This localization is more often asymptomatic. Then the realization of a laparoscopic exploration is not indicated immediately. Objectives. Parietal endometriosis is an uncommon pathology. It can occur on all the scars, most often after a surgical procedure with hysterotomy. Surgical scar endometriosis following caesarean section has an incidence of 0.03 to 0.4%. Patients and methods .- This retrospective study all the cases of parietal endometriosis seen during a 7-year period in the department of visceral surgery of the Armentiè re’s hospital center. A pathological analysis has confirmed each lesion retained. Results.- 15 women were treated during this period. The mean All the women have one or two antecedents of caesarean with Pfannenstiel ’s laparotomy. The interval between the caesarean and the appearance of the first symptoms is on average of 5 years and 11 months. Only 66.6% of cases presented the For symptoms of cyclic pain. For 66.6% of patients, the diagnosis of parietal endometriosis was suspected before the treatment. The treatment is a surgical one with exertion f In 13.3% of the cases, the lesion is pre aponeurotic. In 46.6% of the cases, it overgrows the rectus abdominis muscle, in 33.3% of the cases the external abdominal oblique and at last a lesion overgrows the transversus The mean size of lesions is 2.48 cm. We have not notified and no recurrence was noted. "The local endometrial cell transplant is the most likely mechanism to explain the physiopathology of parietal The classical symptoms associate a painful swelling and cyclic pain related to the menstrual period, but all of these symptoms are not always associated. The contribution to the diagnosis of the imaging studies is weak. The surgical treatment has to be prompt wide to avoid all recurrence. No means of prevention has proved its efficiency. In 26.6% of cases the parietal endometriosis is associated to pelvic endometriosis. This localization is more oft en the asymptomatic. Then the realization of a laparoscopic exploration is not indicated immediately.
以偏铝酸钠和硫酸为原料制备纳米羟基铝吸附剂,通过静态吸附实验考察了影响吸附的因素。结果表明:纳米羟基铝对砷的吸附平衡时间为8 h,去除率可达70%。去除率随温度的升高而
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